Chapter 4: Race Down The Mountain

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"Let's go," Nate says grabbing his snowboard. "Wait," Mat told Nate. "What now?" Chris asked. "We have to let the girls know where we're going," Mat said. "They're not here essayed," Hector told Mat. "Then we'll leave a note" Chris suggested. "I already wrote one just in case we were in a situation like this" Nat says handing Mat the note. "Good slip it under their door so we could go," Chris said.

So Mat slipped the note under the girl's room door and with his snowboard, in hand, he left the hotel. The other boys followed. Mat stops one of the tour guides to get directions. "excuse me" Mat said. "Yes," the hotel worker replied. "Can you tell us how to get to the north mountain. The look of horror came over the workers face. "Strait out the door make a right then continue going north until you reach the ski lifts," the worker told them 

Little do they know the tiger is one mile up the mountain. Mat and the others reach the mountain. 'Let's go all the way to the top" Nate suggested. "For Chris's sake, let us start from the bottom and work our way up," Mat said. So that's exactly what they did. "Ready for the top of the slope essay?" Hector asked Chris. "Let's do it!!" Chris replied. "Some of the other guys said this slope runs a mile high," Nate told Chris. "You sure you'll be okay?" Mat asked. I'll be fine besides if I want to get over my fear of heights this is the way" Chris explained.

"Okay no turning back now," Nate told Chris. "We're here," Mat said. They get off the lift, "Hey starting gates" Chris said. "You'll up for a race" Mat asked. "Quick question?" Nate said. "Why are for dead bodies up here?" Nate asked. The others turn around and see the dead bodies. "Those aren't the only ones" Chris pointed out. There were dead bodies everywhere. The snow was stained with blood.

"You'll want to hurry up and start the race all ready?" Nate said trembling. A few seconds later a wall of blue flames appeared behind them.

 A few seconds later a wall of blue flames appeared behind them

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"Do you'll see that?" Nate asked. "See what?" Mat asked "Turn around," Nate told them. So Mat, Hector, and Chris turned around. "Was that there a few seconds ago?" Chris asked. "I don't think so essay' Hector replied. "Somethings happening to the flames," Nate said.

 "Somethings happening to the flames," Nate said

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"The flames are parting," Mat said. "What's that?" Hector asked. "What?" Chris asked. "Over there coming through the flames," Hector told Chris. "I think I see it," Nate said. "I think it's a" but before Mat could finish a seven-foot tiger jumped out the flames.

 "I think it's a" but before Mat could finish a seven-foot tiger jumped out the flames

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"Time to go," Chris says pushing off the railing. Nate, Mat, and Hector follow. The tiger runs down the mountain after them. "He's trying to kill us!!" Nate said. With a mighty roar from the tiger, an avalanche began to form. The tiger touched the snow falling snow and turned the avalanche from snow to blue flames. 

"Is he still after us?" Chris asked. "someone check" Nate suggested. Mat spun his board one - hundred and eighty degrees "Yes he is and he's gaining on us!!!" Mat told them. spinning his board back around he told the others to follow him. "Mat look there's people up ahead" Nate pointed out. "Get out the way!!!" Mat yelled. "Why are they going so fast?" one person asked. "That's why"another person answered. The other people turned and saw the avalanche of flames.

"Those are the flames of the great tiger, don't let the flames touch you," one man said. "You heard the man move it!!!" one guy yelled. The flames moved quickly down the mountain. Many people got engulfed in the flames. Those who did get burned the flames pierced their skin like frozen daggers. Once inside the body the cold temperature of the flames freezes the bloodstream, then slowly burned them from the inside out. Starting with the muscles, then the bones, and finally consuming the organs. The screams of pain echoed far down the mountain. 

"He's gaining on us!!!" Nat yelled. "Lean forewords," Mat told them. So everyone leaned forewords and started picking up speed. But they weren't going fast enough. "He's getting closer!!!" Chris yelled. "Evasive maneuvers," Mat said. "Split up he can't chase all at the same time" Mat added. So that's exactly what they did. The tiger kept chasing Mat. There was a ski jump dead ahead. So Mat aimed right for it. 

Once Mat hit the jump and took to the sky the Tiger's running speed quadrupled. Please, not the average tiger's top speed is forty miles per hour. So now the Tiger is running a speed of one-hundred and sixty miles per hour. Mat hits the snow near the bottom of the mountain. The Tiger stopped running. He let out a roar and walked back up the mountain. The blue flames went out. The Tiger collects the dead bodies and took them to his cave at the top of the mountain.                   

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