Chapter 3: The game begins

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It's nine o'clock hiding behind there forts tree people of each team rush out. Nate, Mat, and Julie charges out for team B. While Hector, Chris, and Chelsea did the same for team A. Zoey was the golly for team B. Jessica was golly for team A. The battle was epic. Surprisingly no casualties were reported. 

By the time 9:30 came no pillows were captured.The game ended in a draw. With that being said they Hector and Hat ended up connecting the two forts and that's where everyone slept that night.The next morning everyone wakes up in excitement. "Wake up," Nat says going around shaking everyone. "What do you want an essay," Hector says rubbing his eyes. "It's morning get up" Nat tell him. "Help me wake everyone else up. "Okay essay," Hector says as he roles over lazily. 

After five minutes every eventually wakes up. "We got up this early because?" Chris asks in a voice like he's complaining. "If we want to be the ones of the first ones at the theme park gates I suggest you'll get up" Nate explains. "But first you'll need a shower," Nate says holding his nose. "The girls left to take their showers," Nate tells the others. Mat asked Nate "don't you have to take a shower?" "I already took my shower when you'll were asleep," Nate explains. "So hurry up and take you'll showers so we can get going," Nate tells them.

One by one Mat, Hector, and Chris get in the shower. After everyone finished in the shower they meet the girls in the lobby. "All ready to go?" Zoey asked. "Yep," Nate answered. "Where's Julie?" Chris asked. "She's in the bathroom" Chelsea replied. "Where's Hector?" Jessica asked. "Found him" Julie yells dragging Hector towards the others.   

"Where was he?" Chris asked. "I found him over by the snack" Julie answered. "Now if we're all here we can get going. Mat tells them. The group walks out the hotel and enters the theme park. "What should we do first?" Julie asked. "Rollercoaster!!!" Zoey yells. "Rollercoaster it is but witch one?" Mat asked. "Follow me," Zoey tells them. Zoey stops in front of the biggest coaster in the park.

"Well have fun I'll be right here waiting for you'll," Chris says looking terrified. "Stop being a woos easy," Hector tells him.  "I'm not being a woos" Chris argues. "Your not?" Zoey asked. "Yes I'm not," Chris says to Zoey. "Good lets' go," Mat says grabbing Chris. "I'm not going" Chris argues pulling away from Mat. "Fine Chris stay there," Nate tells him. Chris sits down and watches as the others get on the coaster.

Once the ride was over Jessica picked the next one. "Why does it have to be the second biggest coaster in this place?" Chris asked. "The bigger the more fun" Jessica answered. "More like the more terrifying," Chris tells himself. Every ride Chris wimped out. For the whole day, Chris did nothing. Once everyone got back to the hotel Chris asked for the key and walked straight into the room.

"I guess he's not eating with us," Mat says looking at the others. "We got five more days here" Zoey tells Julie. "Chris needs to have fun" Chelsea adds. "We'll handle it," Nate tells the girls. After dinner, everyone went up to their rooms. Later the gave a group meeting. "So what are we going to do?" Jessica asked. "The boys said they'll deal with Chris so leave this to them," Zoey told Jessica. Out of nowhere, Chelsea starts crying. 

"Why are you crying?" Zoey asked. "Chris always hung out with me. we've been friends since the first grade and hung out ever since" Chelsea explained as tears ran down her face. "The only reason I came along is that Chris was coming" she adds. "I think we all tagged along because we all got a thing for one of the boys," Julie tells Chelsea. I don't" Julie says blushing.

"Oh please, you had a crush on Hector since fourth grade" Jessica teases Julie. "You're no better you blush every time you're around Nate" Jessica firers back. "Unlike Zoey, she hasn't even told Mat how she feels," Jessica says trying to put Zoey on the spot. "Mat and I have been dating for freshman year in college" Zoey explained. 

Meanwhile, in the boys are having a meeting of their own. "Why'd you wimp out on every ride went on?" Nate asked. "My dad died riding a roller coaster" Chris explained. "How?" Mate asked. "The ride started before he was strapped in so when the ride went through a corkscrew he fell out and he hit the ground head first," Chris tells them. Tears start running down his face.

"Blood was everywhere" he adds. "Can you do me a favor?" Chris asked. "Sure" they answered. "Can you not tell the girls please?" "Why?" Hector asked. "They don't know plus they've never seen me cry before and I plan to keep it that way?" Chris tells them. "No problem" Mat replied. "Will you be joining us tomorrow. "What are we doing?" Chris asked. "Snowboarding" Nate answered.                                 

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