Chapter 2: Checking in

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Once everyone regroups they head towards the hotel. Upon reaching the hotel Mat approaches the desk. "Hey, we're here to sign in to our room please?" "Do you have a reservation?" The desk attendant asks looking at the computer. Yes, we're under Matthew Parker" Mat replies. "Lets' see where you are you reserved rooms 117 and 118 correct," the attendant asked Mat. "That is correct" Mat replies. "Here are your room keys," the attendant says handing Mat the keys. The group then proceeds to the elevator.   

"Hey does it bother you that the attendant didn't look at you at all" Hector asks Mat. "Not really" Mat replies. The elevator stops and the doors open. Mat hands the 118 room key to Jessica. The girls enter their room and the boys enter theirs. "Tomorrow we start looking around the amusement park" Nate proclaims. "Lets' worry about that tomorrow," Chris says starting to laying on his bed. 

As soon as Chris hits the bed a knock on the door. "Chris get the door," Mat tells him. "Why can't you," Chris asks Mat. "I'm on the toilet right now" Mat answers. Chris sighs as he gets up. "Who is it," Chris asks. nobody answers. So Chris opens the door. The girls bust in waking the boys with pillows. Chris gets knocked to the floor in the posses. Mat walks out the bathroom only to get hit in the face with a pillow. Mat joins the fight. 

"You guys have fun with that I'm going to bed," Chris says laying down. Nat looks at Chris. "Hey do yall want to jump Chris," Nat asks. "I'm game" Mat answered. "Lets' do it the girls say reading their pillows. Everyone walks quietly over to Chris's bed. "Who's hitting him first?" Nate asked. "Your idea," Hector tells Nate. "Fair enough," Nate says. So he strikes the first blow waking Chris up. 

The others soon follow suit. "Come on stop being such a baby essay," Hector says teasing Chris. Chris stands up and stares at Hector. Before Chris can do anything Zoey wacks Chris in the face with a pillow. Then Chris finally starts having fun. Later on, they make a fort using the beds and box springs. The girls do the same. Now the game is called captured the pillow. The roles were simple.

The team with all the pillows wins but they had to get all the pillows by 9:30 pm. The game starts at 9:00 pm. The teams are Nate, Mat,  Zoey, and Julie. The opposite team has Hector, Chris, Chelsea, and Jessica.                

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