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 "Hector turns this thing around," he told him. So Hector turned around a headed straight for the tiger. "Do you even have a plan?" Hector asked. "I'm ending this" Mat answered. "Hector can you do me a favor?" he asked. "Sure" Hector replied. "Can you tell Zoey I love her?" he asked. "Sure" Hector replied. "Head for that ramp and when I say the word drift the snowmobile," Mat told him. "MATHEW!" Hector yelled. "Get out of here Hector!" Mat yelled back. 

The tiger jumped at the snowmobile. "Now!" Mat yelled. Hector drifted the snowmobile and Mat jumped off the back. He met the tiger in the air and drove the knife into the tiger's chest. He slashed the tiger's chest open. The blue flames started to in golf Mat's body. "What happened, where am I?" he asked standing up. "You're in the Mirror Garden," a voice answered. Matt turned around quickly. when he did he saw a tiger with yellow eyes, claws and fangs of ice, a purple shirt, dark blue pants with and baby blue boots, he also had a cloche that was ice blue then faded into white near the tip.

Mat reached for his dagger but he couldn't find it

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Mat reached for his dagger but he couldn't find it. "If you're looking for your dagger it's out there lying in the snow." the tiger told him. "Calm down, I'm only want to talk," the tiger continued. "Okay fine, let's talk," Mat answered "Come sit down," the tiger said leading Mat over to a nearby bench. "Now that we sat down I imagine you have some questions, Mathew," the tiger started. "Yeah, who are you, where am I, and how did you know my name?" Matt asked him. "That cut across my chest still stings you know," blizzard told him.

"My name is Blizzard, we're in what you humans would refer to as the spirit realm, and the reason I know your name is cause I've been watching you and your friends ever since you landed here," Blizzard answered. Before Matt could say anything else he felt something sniffing him. Matt froze in place as a chill ran down his spine. "Blizzard how dare you bring a filthy human to our domain," the voice said. Matt turned around slowly. A wolf with small shards of ice sticking out of her fur and shackles around her front paws and neck.

"HOLD YOUR TUNG AURORA!!!" Blizzard growled

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"HOLD YOUR TUNG AURORA!!!" Blizzard growled. "YOU KNOW IT'S FORBIDDEN TO BRING HUMANS HERE!!!" Aurora growled back. A few seconds later one of the mirrors started glowing. "Isn't that yours?" Blizzard asked. Aurora looked at it "this isn't over." As she walked away the chains dragged on the ground. Blizzard sat back down "I'm sorry for her behavior." Just then another mirror started to glow "Mat" a voice called out. Mat looked up 

"I know that voice." He stood up a walked over to the glowing Mirror. "It's Zoey, why is climbing up the mountain?" He asked. Then Blizzard walked over and stood next to him "she's looking for you." Mat turned towards Blizzard "I have to do something." Blizzard just put his paw on Mat's shoulder "There's nothing we can do." But she'll freeze to death," Mat argued. Blizzard took his paw off Mat's shoulder "I'm sorry."

Mat watched as an avalanche raced towards her. He couldn't do anything to help her at all. Letting out a sigh of relief as he watched as she climbed a nearby tree. "That's my girl," he said to himself. But his smile didn't last long. The tree started swaying back and forth. Once the avalanche ended he watched as Zoey's body fell to the snow. A few seconds later he saw as Hector, Chelsea, and Jullie ran over to her.

 To ensure Zoey's surveys Mat transferred a small part of his lifeforce into her. "I hope that helped her," he said to himself. Before he found out the mirror stopped glowing. Now tho only thing he saw was his reflection. Mat signed "I hope that helped." "I saw that," a voice said. Mat turned around "Oh, hey Blizzard." "You humans are a troubling species," Blizzard told him. Mat smiled "You got that right."

Then Blizzard walked over to Mat. "Can I ask you something?" Blizzard started. "Go ahead," Mat answered. Blizzard turned to face Mat "Very well, do your friends know you can use magic ?"  "No, they don't" Mat replied. Blizzard looked back at the mirror "Okay." "Take a walk with me Mat," Blizzard continued. "I've been meaning to ask you something," Mat started. "Ask away," Blizzard replied.

"Okay," Mat hesitated. "What did the fire feel like?" Mat continued. Blizzard stopped walking "The flames both froze my fur and burned my skin at the same time. They hurt like millions of razor-sharp needles constantly stabbing my body." Blizzard answered. Hearing that Mat felt bad he asked. They continued walking. "Now it' my turn," Blizzard started. Mat looked up "Okay." "How long could you use magic ?" Blizzard asked. "Since the age of eleven," Mat replied. 

Blizzard turned and looked at Mat "So that makes you..." suddenly the mirror's glow caught their attention. They walked over to it. "Zoey's about to head back up the mountain" Mat said to himself.  He whispered something into the mirror. Blizzard looked at Mat then looked back at the mirror. When Zoey turned back Mat smiled. The mirror stopped glowing and blizzard walked away. Mat stood there for a while before walking away himself. 

But he was stopped by a familiar voice. Mat turned around and saw Zoey standing by the mirror. "Where am I?" Zoey asked. She looked around until. "Zoey what are you doing here?" a voice asked. Zoey turned around immediately, but nobody was there. Mathew, I hate it when you do this. He laughed then showed himself to her. She ran up and hugged him. He put his arms around her "Go back, they're waiting for you. "Zoey bared her face in his chest "come with me." 

Mat smiled and sent her back. After that, he turned and walked towards a pick nick table. Blizzard returned and sat down. Aurora walked passed them "Stupid human emotions." Blizzard roared "Shut up you damn wolf!!!" Everyone in the garden stopped and looked at them. "Did I strike a nerve Blizzard" she teases. Aurora beard her fangs "go ahead show the human your true side, demi-human trash."

"You were human once human too," he growled. "We were all humans once," she growled back. "Enough!!!" a voice yelled in the distance. Blizzard sat down and Aurora walked away. Mat remained speechless for a long time. Then Blizzard stood up again "I have to go."  Mat watched as he walked away. Suddenly he was pulled through the mirror. He appeared and wrapped his arms around Zoey. After a while, Zoey calmed down. She wrapped her arms around him. 

"You really made a mess this time didn't you," he whispered. "I'm sorry," she whispered back. "It's okay Zoey," he told her. Then he turned around still holding Zoey in his arms "Sorry about this," Mat started. "This happens sometimes," he continued. He moved his hand in a crescent moon shape then, unfolded it into a magic circle and tossed it into the air. The circle covered the entire room. In one big flash of light, the room was back to normal. 

He looked back at Zoey "I have to go now." "Please stay?" she asked. Mat gave her a kiss, said I love you, then dissipated. "Now that I know I can cross through myself the next time it glows I'm going back," he said to himself. Sure enough the next time the mirror glowed the group was getting on the plane. Using the last bit of his strength he jumped through it. together with his luggage, he appeared on the plane. He walked passed the others and looked back. Zoey was looking straight at him. He told her to stay quiet. Zoey turned back around with a smile on her face. Mat shook his head. He took his seat and waited for liftoff.                                                

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