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Ever since Simon read the final letter from Josh, he kept them.

He kept them all.

He'd read them.

He'd read them all.

Every day.

He kept the texts.

And read them all.

Each breaking his heart even more each time he read them.

If that was possible.


He moved back into the.. Or what was,

the sidemen house.

He lived alone,

But they were still there.

In his heart.


He didn't go to the funerals.

He refused.

It'd only break him more.
If that was possible.


He wrote letters,

he wrote letters to them all.

He knew they would never see them.

Yet he carried on.

He questioned his sanity often.

He kept the letters he wrote in a box.

A box he'd leave on the coffee table.

Never to be moved.

The box next to the photo frames.

The photo frames of each of the boys.

Never to be moved.


Most of his letters were addressed to Josh.

But heck, how was he going to read them?

He was never coming back.


To this day he continues writing letters to the boys who will never speak to him again.

Never see him.

Never forgive him.

But never forget him.

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