Michael surpries Rachel

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I has planned on giving Rach s promise ring but cal though I saw crazy. Ash said it's an amazing idea and so did Luke. I walked up to her room and knock. "Come in" she says. I walk in and she smiles. "Hi gorgeous" I say kissing her head. "Hi Mike!" She says smiling. "I have something for you" I say taking the box out. "It's a promise ring" I say. She puts it on then hugs me. I smile and hug back. She lightly kisses me and I smile. "I promise we'll get married one day" I say. She blushes. I tell her to get changed an meet me downstairs.

I get up and out on a skirt and a crop top. I grab my jean jacket, my combat boots and my purse I put on some makeup and out my glasses on and grab my phone and meet Michael downstairs. He had the keys in his hand and two bags. One for him and one for me. He had decided that we would go to a hotel for a few days. When we got there Michael threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the room. He put me gently on the bed. He lays beside me and lays me on him. We cuddled for a while before going for dinner. Michael saw guys staring at me and pulled me close and didn't let go. "Babe, it's okay" I say. He calms down a bit and we get dinner. When we go back to the room I sit on the bed and watch tv. Michael sits beside me and puts his arm around me. I smile and lean on him. He kisses my head. "I'm in love with you Michael Clifford." I say. "I'm in love with you Rachel Irwin" he says I giggle and he smiles. He smiles at me and holds me as I fall asleep.

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