Forgive me?

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"Cal keeps trying to get me to talk to him, he cheated on me, again! Who does that!!" I was face timing Luke's girlfriend arzaylea, him and Chloe broke up, I liked his new girlfriend, she's so sweet, "Rach, then that shows he wasn't right for you, you'll find the perfect guy I promise" she says. Luke walked in. "Hi Luke!" I say. "Hey Rachel, who yeah talking to?" He asks. Arzaylea giggles. "Hi Luke" she says. "Hi babe!!" Luke says. "Are you taking my girlfriend from me?" He asks sarcastically. I giggle. Aryzreala smiles. We talk for a bit more before she had to go. I wave bye and put my phone down. "Hey, ash and I were thinking... If Michael promises to not hurt you, we'll give you guys another try if you're up for it" Luke says. I nod. he goes and gets Michael. He hugs me. "I won't hurt you, I promise you" he says.

I look into Rachel's room as her end Michael kiss. I walk in and ask Rachel if I could talk to her. "Rachel, I know I'm an asswhole, I messed up and I can't have you back, but I feel bad and I still want you to be my little girl. Not in the relationship way, but in the other way. I'm sorry for everything I did" I say she hugs me. "I forgive you cal" I hear her say. I hug her back. "Really!?" I ask she nods. I smile. "You're still not getting another chance" Michael says. "I know" I say. Rachel and him hug. I smile. "You guys are so cute though" I say. They smile. "I still love you cal so so much" she says. I smile. Michael pats my shoulder. I hug him. I still love my friends.

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