Meeting ashtons family

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Ashton's pov:
I wake up and decide to ask my mom if I can bring Rachel over to meet them. She told me she would love to meet her, so I tell her I'll be there in an hour and I go to wake up Rachel, I see her already up reading. "Hey love" I say walking in. "Hi Ashton" she says smiling at me. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come meet my mom and siblings today?" I say. "Sure" she says smiling. "Okay! Meet me downstairs after your dressed" I say going back to change. I put on jeans and a muscle shirt and I walk downstairs to see her in shorts and a tank top , she kept her hair down and had a beanie to keep it out of her face. I smile and grabs the keys pulling her to the car. We get in and I start driving, we get there about an hour later. I get out before helping her out. I go up and knock on the door with Rachel following me. My mom answered the door. "Ashton, you're here" she says hugging me. "This must be Rachel" she says smiling at her. "Hi." She says shyly. "Ashton!!" Lauren says running to hug me. "Hi Lauren!" I say hugging her back. Harry runs in and hugs me too. "Hi guys" I say. I look over to Rachel who's shyly standing off to the side. "This is Rachel"
I say hugging her lightly "you're so pretty" Lauren says to her. "Thank you" she says smiling. They went up to her room to hangout. 5 hours later
We decided to go home and I look over to Rachel sleeping in the passenger seat. She looked so peaceful. We got home and cal came out to carry her in for me while I brought in dinner. He lays her in the couch and I go to put her shoes in her room. She was awake and watching tv with Luke in his room when I walked by to ask him a question. He smiles as I walk in. "What kind of pizza so you want guys"  I ask them. "Pepperoni!" They both answer at the same time. "Two pieces" I ask. Luke nods and Rachel told me she only wanted one so I go downstairs to get them pizza.  I go back to give them pizza. 5 hours later
It was pretty late at night at I go see Rachel sitting in Luke's room with him I was guessing she was sleeping in there with him. I go to my room and I see pictures of Lauren and Rachel on my phone . I figured when I went to help my mom get snacks they took pictures. I laugh at them and go to sleep

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