Dead or alive.

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It was the days Rachel was okay to come home. I didn't want to go with the guys because I wasn't sure if she was okay. The guys had left so it was just me. I get w text from ashton saying, she was.... Alive.. "Thank god!!! 😫❤️" I text back.
I smile at Cal's response. "He's really happy you're okay!" I say to Rachel. She smiles. She gets changed and I grab her bag and phone. I got her phone fixed. Michael carries her on his back. I signed her out and we went back to the car. Luke helped her get in. I drive home and as soon as we do cal runs out and picks her up. He hugs her lightly, being careful to not hurt her, she had a sprained ankle, a broken finger and a bunch of cuts and bruises. "Thank god!!" He says. We all hug her and she goes up to her room.
I had been sitting on my bed texting Bryana when cal walks in. "Hi gorgeous" he says. "Hi cal" I say rolling over. "I'm so happy you're okay baby" he says. "Awe cal" i say. He presses his lips against mine. "He didn't know if you were going to die. So he was in here all the time crying" Michael says. "But I'm alive!!" I say hugging him. Cal hugs me crying on my shoulder, "it's okay, I'm here, I'm alive" I say. "Im so happy you're okay princess" he says. I smile. We ate dinner and then I went to bed. I feel cal wrap his arms around me. "I'm going to cuddle you until you feel better" he says. I smile "and I will let you cuddle me until I feel better!" I say he kisses my forehead. "Thanks cal" I say. "No problem beautiful" he says. "I love you so much" I say. "I love you even more" he says kissing me softly

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