[10] I'm So Popular

Start from the beginning

Received from: The most awesome sexy hot guy who ever lived:
Ha! You didn't deny the sexy part!

I curse myself for my stupidity. But then again, what's new?

Hayley poop head:
Well I didn't see the need to deny the obvious. And as for the movie night, yeah sounds good. I'll tell Mace and Rebecca that we've changed the date again. They want to have a movie night at the same time as us for some reason. Meh.

I put my phone down, hoping to end the conversation when it beeps again.

I am so popular.

The dude named Dillon:
Can I talk to you? It's important x

Oh god, what now? I quickly send a reply.

Yeah sure. Ring me tonight x

Suddenly a voice booms out from in front of me, making me nearly jump out of my skin. "Hayley O'Sullivan, what have we got here?"

I place a hand over my hammering heart in the hope of gaining some sort of tranquility. "Where, sir?" I say sheepishly as I try to hide my totally nonexistent phone.

Sir gives me a stern look and then snatches it off me.

Oh it's on.
You will definitely regret this you evil goblin.

"Sir that's my property! You can't just take it off me!" I yell and hear Foster snigger from beside me.

"Miss O'Sullivan! How dare you answer back like that! One more word from you and it's detention!"

I smirk and mutter. "Bîtch."

Sir goes red with rage. "Detention!"

I shrug and reply sarcastically. "Because that's totally a threat. Seriously Sir, your punishments couldn't hurt a fly."

I swear he's trembling with anger, like a kettle about to boil over. "That's enough!" He shouts and slams his fist on the table. "Detention every night this week!"

"But Sir, I'm busy after school!" I groan.

He gives me an intimidating look which I just blow off with a roll of my eyes. "Shut it or you'll be up for next week too." He argues and I sigh. "Suit yourself. Now can everyone turn to page 42 in their textbooks."

I grumble swear words under my breath as I flick through the confusing diagrams and long texted pages.

"Nice one. That was great." I hear Foster congratulate me with a laugh. "I wish I recorded it."

I scowl. "Sir will pay for that. He won't know what's hit him."

Foster grins. "You're becoming more like us the more you hang out with us, you know."

I raise an eyebrow. "And is that a good thing?"

"Well... I prefer this version of you. It's far more fun." He shrugs.

I don't know whether to be pleased or angry so I settle with a smile and then turn back to the doodles on my page.


I love HER ✔️ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now