Chapter 15

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"Thanks so much Capricorn. With this information hopefully they can get there and Lucy can get some needed help." He smiled slightly at his old friend. The goat clapped him on his shoulder and nodded. "Well, I guess it is time to go let them in on the plan." His brow furrowed as he looked over everything once more. He let out a ragged breath, opened his gate and waving a hand to his friend, he walked into it.

Chapter 15

Loke walked through the gate in the human world. He still had his face down looking through all the information that they had gathered. He stopped just on the other side of the gate. He heard a noise that made him glance up from his papers in shock. On the couch in the far side of the room there was a slender bare back. As his eyes glide up the back, he could see the muscles bunch and move. Slowly he looks farther up to see blond hair trailing down the back and a girl's face looking up at the ceiling as she moans in pleasure. He hears a muffled, "Shit." coming from the couch in front of the girl.

The girl stiffens and says quietly. "I thought you put up the barrier to keep them out..."

The deep male voice groans and says "That only keeps people that are on the other side of the door out..." A hand slides down her side and around her waist. The hand wraps around her key ring and tugs on it softly, making it jingle. "We forgot to throw your keys out there..."

"Oh..." Lucy slowly looks over her shoulder and sees Loke standing there staring at them in complete shock. The papers he had be holding strewn all over the floor around his feet. Lucy squeaks in embarrassment and buries her head in Zeref's chest as he sits up. Zeref looks at Loke over the head buried in his chest.

Zeref reaches over on the couch and picks up Lucy's shirt. He looks pointedly at Loke and then at Lucy sitting on Zeref's lap. Loke snaps out of the shock and turns around quickly stammering out. "Sorry..."

Loke crouches down and starts to pick up all the papers. Standing once more he glances over his shoulder. He sees Lucy settle herself next to Zeref a bright blush on her cheeks. He turns around to face them and clears his throat. "Well, um... H-hi Loke..." Lucy stammers softly. She leans her shoulder against Zeref's side for comfort. He slides his hand up and down her back softly.

"So Lion do you have information for us?" Zeref asks Loke as he glances at the papers in Loke's hand.

Loke closes his eyes for a moment. The threads of fate can be woven so strangely at times. He thinks to himself sadly. He takes a deep breath and nods his head in ascent to Zeref's question. He opens his eyes and looks at the couple and says. "Yes. We found the place you both need to go to." He pulls up a chair to sit in front of them. He holds the papers out to them and Zeref takes them. Zeref starts looking through all the information.

"There is a temple somewhere around here..." Loke says and points to the x on the map. "The only information we know is the temple is in a mountain honeycombed with caves. We also know that only the Tennyo and their charge may enter the temple." He runs his fingers through his hair. "We are not sure exactly what will happen when you go in there Lucy, but we think it is your only hope." He looked at her and smiles sadly. "You both should head out immediately and I would avoid telling the guild."

"What!? I can't just leave Loke without telling them..." Lucy says as she leans forward and clinches her fists on her lap.

"Lucy, what would your team do if you tell them you are going on a dangerous mission?" Loke says to her softly knowing she hates to keep anything from her family.

Lucy leans into Zeref's side even more and he wraps his arms around her. "They will want to come with me." She exhales softly. "And knowing them they will follow me..."

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