Chapter 9

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He runs his hand over her silky hair and sighs deeply. He pushes her deeper into the bed and crawls in with her. He wraps his arm around her and pulls her close. His other hand locks her to him. He feels the presence of the little girl come back in the room. He hears her sigh in frustration once she sees where he is, and then he fades into sleep.

Chapter 9

"That is ridiculous you can't just leave." Natsu says, hands crossed against his chest. He is standing at the foot of the bed Zeref and Lucy occupied. Lisanna is standing off to the side just behind the dragon. Her hand is on his shoulder trying to calm him. Zeref sighs, looking the stubborn dragon in the eyes. Natsu's typical mask of stupidity is gone. All that shone out of his eyes is the intelligence he rarely showed any one, and the stubbornness and protectiveness he is renowned for.

Zeref is sitting up in the bed with Lucy tucked into his side, his arms wrapped around her protectively. She is shivering; her head on his chest. Her eyes and face turned down looking anywhere but at the people in the room. He could feel the sadness, pain, and fear raging in her mind. Her fear for her family wars with the fear she feels for him. His heart aches at what she is going through, and Natsu is not helping the issue.

He glares at the stubborn dragon as Natsu once again says in a louder voice. "I am not accepting this. You can't just leave; you can't just take her from of us." Zeref winces not only at what Natsu said but at the reaction it created in the small woman next to him.

Damn it Natsu can't you see what you are doing to her? I know you're smart. Look at what you are doing. He thought angrily, making sure his thoughts were hidden from Lucy. He growls in irritation at Natsu. He locks his eyes on the dragon. Once he had the dragon's attention he glances down at Lucy then back at Natsu and growls again. Natsu follows his eyes and looks at Lucy and freezes.

She is shivering violently and he could smell the fear and sadness radiating off of her. He looks back at Zeref. Yeah that got through your damn protective stubbornness and into your brain huh? Zeref though silently again. "I don't want to take her from all of you. I don't want to take all of you from her. I just don't know what else to do. The seal is getting weaker by the day. If we stay here and the seal fails..." he says to Natsu softly.

Natsu sighs loudly in frustration. He forces himself to relax slightly and Lisanna tucks herself under his arm and wraps her arms around his waist. This relaxes him even more and he wraps his arm around her. "Levy thinks she found something. She and Gajeel left this morning to go find it. I know she will bring something back that will help." He says in confidence.

Lucy looks up at Natsu with hope shining in her eyes. "I that true Natsu?" he nods and gives her his infamous smile. Happy her shivering is not as bad, and that she is talking.

Zeref groans softly. Damn it you can't give her hope that may come too late. His heart breaks as he says "And if she is too late?" he feels the pain flare up in her mind and she hunches down more against him. Now it is Natsu's turn to growl loudly. Zeref sighs. Wendy's soft voice speaks up.

"You can't leave Zack..."

Crap not you too... Zeref thinks silently in frustration.

"If you have another of your episodes Lucy will not be able to help you, I need to be near..." This makes Zeref flinch and Lucy gasps and looks at Zeref tears in her eyes. The memory of his screams ringing in her mind.

S-She is right Tenshi, her voice says in his mind full of pain. I don't think I could survive that again... she clutches his shirt and buries her face in his shirt then starts crying silently. Her shoulders shake with her sobs.

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