Chapter 13

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Lucy looks down at Zeref and then sighs, "We will just have to take that chance." She looks back at Jellal and says, "Jellal, please wake him up but be ready to put him under again." He nods his head softly then walks over to the cot. He kneels down and places his hand on Zeref's head. There is another pulse of power. He keeps his hand on Zeref's head just in case, and they all hold their breath. After a moment Zeref's eyes snap open...

Chapter 13


The first thing Zeref notices before his eyes can focus is that there are a lot of life forms near him. Once his eyes are focused he quickly looks at the nearest life form. There is a male near him with his hand on Zeref's head. Jellal, that's his name. Slowly his memory is starting to return. Still very dazed he watches as a slender hand reaches over and wraps around Jellal's wrist. It pushes the hand off of his head, and then the image is replaced by the face of a blond young woman.

Her brown eyes are filled with worry. Kurai Tenshi? The soft voice in his mind asks in concern. With those two soft words all the memories flood back.

He closes his eyes for a moment. He needs to go check the gate and new seal. He hears Lucy cry out "Wendy!" and then feels the little girl's life force rush to stand next to him. She places a hand on his head. He opens his eyes again and looks at Wendy then at Lucy.

"I am fine; I just need to check the gate. Really, I am fine." He says. He reaches up and runs his hand along Lucy's cheek.

"You smell normal." A male voice says from out of his vision. Wendy nods in agreement. He smiles and nods but closes his eyes anyways.

Just before he changes his focus to the gate and seal in his mind he says. "I still need to see it."

He is standing next to the gate. The gate is shut tight, there is nothing emanating from it. He looks at the new seal. The seal is blue and shining bright. He looks over all the runes in the seal's circle. They are all intact and glowing brightly. It took his breath away; he is so amazed at what Lucy has accomplished. This seal seems stronger, and the runes show no sign of wear or dimming.

He changes his focus back to outside his mind; he opens his eyes with a large smile on his face.


Zeref sits up pressing his back to the couch Lucy was sitting on. Smiling he says, "It amazing, the gate is shut tight and that seal..." he shakes his head in amazement. "It is just great. It seems to be even stronger than the original one."

Natsu jumps up in the air one arm raised above his head. "Woohoo! Time to celebrate!" and before anyone could say anything else, he rushes out of the room back to the guild hall. Lisanna groans in exasperation and runs after him.

Gray and Juvia look at each other and laugh then bolt out of the room as well. Lucy catches a faint "Good Job Lucy." coming from the fleeing mages.

"So it worked?" Levy pipes up happily. Zeref nods his head towards her. "Yippy!" she shouts and bounces on the balls of her feet clapping happily. Lucy and Zeref laugh at her antics. "Ooh I'm going to go look through the grimoire we never got to." She says happily as she rushes out the door. Gajeel still leaning next to the door shakes his head slowly. He chuckles under his breath, pushes himself off of the wall and follows the bobbing blue head out of the room.

Jellal grabs a chair and sets it in front of the cot facing Zeref. He sits down in it his face grim. Lucy sits up and straddles Zeref's back, she drapes her arms over his shoulders, clasps her hands together in front of his chest. Then she rests her chin on the top of her left arm, and looks at Jellal.


"Wendy!" there is a cry from out in the guild hall.

"Oh no!" she cry's "what has happened now!" she jumps up and rushes out of the door, Carla flying behind her.

Jellal is about to open his mouth to start talking when from out in the guild hall they hear. "Why the hell did you do that for Ice Prick!"

And then there was "Because you are a moron, Flame Brain!"




Erza growls loudly and charges out of the room. Soon they hear "STOP IT THIS INSTANCE!"


They could actually feel the walls shake as Erza sent one of the fools into a wall. Both men look at the closed door, and sweat drop. Lucy starts laughing loudly. She sobers after a moment and says "Ok Jellal, what else do you need, to accept this?" Jellal turns his head back to face her, his lips pressed together tightly. "I mean if you really think about it, it is your story just on a bigger scale." Jellal's jaw drops a little in shock. He snaps it shut suddenly. "And not only did all of Fairy Tail forgive, and accept you. Erza did as well..." Jellal closes his eyes and his shoulders sag slightly.

Zeref is just sitting there a sad look on his face. He is sad for everything that happened to this young man in his name. He is also sad that Lucy is bringing it all back to make a point. Tenshi maybe...

She interrupts him firmly. You don't know him as I do Kurai Tenshi. He is a stubborn man. He is a good man, just stubborn. Sometimes he needs a firm push into reality. Erza told me that once.

Zeref shakes his head sadly. Ok Tenshi, but I think it is more of a slap you are doing. She hmmphs in his mind, which makes him laugh slightly.

Jellal rubs a hand over his face and then up and through his hair. He lets out a ragged breath loudly. He looks up into Lucy's eyes. Jellal's face is set in resignation. "Ok Lucy, your right..." Zeref unable to hold it in and laughs loudly, startling Jellal. Jellal snaps his eyes to Zeref a slight frown on his face.

Still laughing Zeref waves his hands back in forth trying to pacify the young man. "No...No ... It's just that..." he says between laughs, soon he stops laughing and finishes with, "It is funny because ever since I met her she has always been right. I lose every argument. It's just funny to see it happen to someone else...sorry" he ends sheepishly. He flinches as he gets a smack on the back of the head from Lucy.

Jellal stares at Zeref slightly dumbstruck, and then starts laughing. Soon he says with a smile on his face, "Actually I think it is something to do with women in general. I never seem to win any argument with Erza either. I think they cast a spell on us or something that lowers our intelligence." They both look at each other and smile grimly acknowledging each other's pain.

Erza had walked in as the last part of the conversation ends. And she says with a smirk, her hands on her hips. "It is not our fault you guys always split your brain power between two heads..." with that Lucy falls backwards on the couch laughing so hard she has to clutch her ribs. Jellal hangs his head, shaking it slightly. Zeref stunned into silence just stares at the red head as she walks over to Jellal and grabbing his wrist, drags him out of his chair. "Come on Jellal, let's leave them alone for a bit." With his head still hanging he follows Erza from the room. She calls over her shoulder, "Come join the party when you're ready." and then as the door shuts they hear Erza say something they could not quite make out, and then hear a laughed response from Jellal...

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