Chapter 8

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He slowly lies back on the bed dragging her with him. She snuggles into his side and was fast asleep. He reaches over drags the blankets back over them, and then follows her into the void.


weeks later...


Lucy is sitting on a bench in the guild hall. Her back is to the table that is piled high with old tombs. Her elbows are resting on the top of the table and her legs are kicked out in front of her. Zeref is sitting next to her his nose in an old book, he is studying it intensely. Lucy smiles as she watches Natsu with his muffler wrapped ninja style around his head sneak towards Zeref. Just before Natsu gets close enough to make his move, Zeref snaps his left arm out to the side and grabs onto nothing but air. At the same time Natsu freezes in place and lets out a frustrated growl, "Damn!" Lucy chuckles softly.

Zeref with his nose still in the book twists his wrist and Natsu spins in place facing back the way he came from. Then Zeref pushes his hand forward just a little and Natsu goes flying...right into... Ooh Erza this time. Lucy thinks with a laugh. Natsu slams into Erza knocking her Strawberry cake on the ground. Smack! Erza storms off to the bar to get another slice of cake leaving an unconscious Natsu on the floor.

Zeref flips the page in the book he is reading like nothing happened. Lucy leans back a little to look at his face, and laughs at the smirk she sees there. Lucy leans her head back, "Have you found anything yet Levy?" She says to the ceiling.

Behind the mountain of books on the table she hears an exacerbated sigh. "Nothing yet, sorry Lucy."

Lucy nods then asks, "Do you want something? I am going to go order some food.

She hears a mumbled, "Coffee." from the book worm.

She looks back at Zeref, "Zack?" He instantly turns his head towards her and locks his eyes on hers. Heat pools in her core at his intense look. Damn am I ever going to stop reacting like this when he just looks at me? The corners of his lips twitch up into a sexy smirk, and he taps a finger on his temple.

"Yes Lucy? " Zeref asks with a purr. That just makes Lucy's core clinch and get hotter.

Damn it, stop that! She yells in his head. His eyelids lower slightly and he chuckles. "Are you hungry?" she asks as she shoves his shoulder a little.

His smile gets huge, "Yes, definitely." He says with a rumble in his chest. A picture of what he is truly hungry for flashes in their minds.

Damn you! Lucy gets up and storms off toward the bar. Zeref chuckling turns his head back to the book, but his eyes can't stop following Lucy as she stomps all the way to the bar. As she starts ordering their food he sighs loudly then snaps his eyes back to the book. A few moments later he growls and snaps the book closed laying it heavily on the table.

"You haven't found anything either?" he hears a soft voice come from behind the books.

"No." he growls in frustration. He stands up and stretches, shaking out his legs and rolling his shoulders. He starts to look back at Lucy when everything turns black, and he falls to the floor unconscious...


All of the sudden he is standing in front of two massive black doors. They look like they are made of obsidian. There are massive engravings carved into their panels. I know this place. In the middle of the doors, spanning across where they meet, is a red glowing magic circle. The rune work inside the circle is very intricate and the runes are not ones he recognizes. I have never been close enough before to see the actual runes.

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