Chapter 11

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They all looked at the door as a small blue haired girl rushes in the room with a big hulking dragon following her.

"We got it! We found a new seal!" she exclaims happily...

Chapter 11

Early the next morning...

Zeref wakes suddenly when he feels a life form rush towards their bed. His eyes snap open and he looks over to the side of the bed. Standing there bouncing on the balls of her feet is a small young girl. Her short blue hair is held out of her face with a headband. Her face is plastered with a huge smile. Zeref sighs, sits up, and leans his back against the wall. He settles the still sleeping Lucy more against his chest and locks one arm around her. "Morning Levy." He says quietly.

She looks at Lucy and then back to Zeref. "How much longer is she going to sleep?" she asks in a whisper.

Zeref gently looks into Lucy's mind. It is no longer the blankness of magic drained unconsciousness, but has settled into the normal dreaming state. He slowly pulls back and smiles at Levy. "It shouldn't be much longer, but I don't want to force her to wake her up." He says softly.

"Ok." She says bubbly, then drags a chair over to the side of the bed, and sits down. "So, like I was saying yesterday. We found a new seal. Well actually it's not a seal..." she frowns slightly then her smile is back. "It's more like we found a collection of Tennyo runes. We also found information about what the runes do. There is still a lot I have not translated yet, but I figured Lucy and I could work on it. Then we could make a new seal."

After that she starts to tell Zeref all about her and Gajeel's adventures. AN: I am actually planning on writing a short on their adventure... She chats happily with him while waiting for Lucy to wake. Zeref looks over at the huge dragon leaning against the wall. His arms are crossed, one leg bent with its foot flat against the wall. To the casual observer he appeared to be bored and not paying attention to what was going on. Zeref knew better.

The dragon's eyes were very focused. They slide around the area constantly. He was continually assessing the situation. When his eyes would fall on Levy, there was a softening in his eyes. His lips would twitch up at the corners slightly, and then his eyes would move on. Gajeel's eyes lock onto Zeref's and he stares at him for a long moment. Then with an almost imperceptible nod of his head his eyes continue on.

For the life of him Zeref did not understand how everyone around the dragons thought they were stupid. The two dragons were far from dumb.

With the fire dragon there was definitely intelligence there. That intelligence was always looking at two things: it was always assessing his and his opponents fighting techniques, and abilities. The other thing that occupied his intelligence was how his family was feeling and what he could do about it. Zeref figured that was why he was always acting like a fool. Everyone always laughed. It also made opponents underestimate him. Yes the fire dragon was not stupid.

With the iron dragon Zeref saw intelligence there as well, but his was more calculating and cunning. He was always assessing the area and the people in it. To everyone he appeared bored and oblivious to his surroundings, but he was far from those things. This also led his opponents to underestimate him. With both types of intelligence behind the stubborn protectiveness, the dragons were definitely a force to reckon with.

Lucy shifts slightly then yawns loudly, stretching as best she could incased in his arms. He looks down at her smiling and says "Good morning Tenshi." He lets go of her so she can sit up on her own.

She smiles back at him her eyes still blurry in sleep. All the sudden she hears her best friend say. "Hey Lucy I'm glad you awake now!"...

Several hours later...

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