Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Lucy sits down on the couch and Elfman lays Zeref down on the couch with his head in her lap. She threads her fingers through his hair and watches as everyone filters in to the room. They all sit down around the room. The Master walks in behind Mira and Wendy. "Elfman please stand guard outside the door please." The master says. Elfman nods and does as he was told.

Wendy seeing the unconscious man walks over and examines him. After the soft glow from her hands fade she says, "He seems fine, he is just in a magic induced sleep." The master nods his thanks to the girl.

He then looks at Lucy and lets out a loud sigh, "So Lucy, please tell us how this happened."

Lucy looks at them all slowly, her hand fists in Zeref's hair. She sighs once and tells them everything that happened...

"He has a story to tell but I will let him tell it to you when he wakes up." She looks around again, "I was hoping that maybe together we could figure out a way to make the seal stronger. I can't just sit on my thumbs waiting on Loke to give me his plans."

"Levy would you see what you can find out?" The master asked quietly.

"Sure!" she states, and then she looks at her best friend, worry plane on her face.

Lucy feels Zeref shift slightly. Kurai Tenshi, are you awake?

Yes, he says in her mind softly. He senses all the life forms in the room, and his eyes fly open. Are they all alive!? He looks up into her eyes; she is smiling down at him with tears in her eyes. He reaches up and runs the pad of his thumb over one of her eyes wiping away the moisture.

Yes they are all alive. They need to hear your tale, I'm sorry to ask you to repeat it. She softly traced the lines of worry on his brow smoothing them. Neither of them notice the shock in the groups faces at the obviously tender moment between them.

"Lucy, I can sit up now." He says very softly. She nods and lets him sit up beside her. He looks at the group, sighs heavily then tells them his story...

"so how open does the gate need to be for him to locate you?" the master asks with a frown on his face.

"It needs to be fully open. He needs be able to crawl in my head to locate exactly where I am." Zeref states.

"And how open did the gate get this time?" The master's face was drawn down in real worry now.

"It had barely started to open; he was only just able to release the wave. He does not know where I am." The master looks Zeref in the eyes for a moment, and then sighs loudly in relief.

Lucy lays her hand on his thigh; Zeref looks at it for a moment then lays his hand over hers. Nastu looks at their joined hands for a moment then looks at Zeref, eyes very serious, "If you ever hurt Lucy. I will kill you..." everyone holds their breath.

Zeref looks at Natsu their eyes lock intensely. "Natsu, if my calculations are correct, you are the only one that can remove me from this world." He feels Lucy's hand sneak up his back to his neck. Then he feels a feather light touch. She drags her thumb back and forth under the hair line on his neck trying to sooth him. He continues, "If I ever hurt Lucy. I fully expect you to do just that." they stare at each other for a moment longer.

Natsu's eyes narrow slightly as he weighs what Zeref said. He closes his eyes for a second nods his head sharply. He leans back in his chair and just like that his eyes open, and he is the Natsu they all love. His grin is huge and he says brightly. "Zack's all right by me!" everyone lets out their breath in relief. Zeref jumps slightly in shock.

Lucy smiles brightly, That's our Natsu for you. He is just one big forgiving heart, a very protective heart.

The master nods his head once then looks at Erza. Erza looks steadily at Zeref, "Jellal did a lot of evil things under your influence. I'm not sure..."

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