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Jimin slipped out of bed the next morning. He didn't have to worry about Yoongi waking up, since he's a heavy sleeper. He went into the bathroom and took care of his business.

Jimin guesses he could make breakfast for Yoongi, too. He didn't want to seem that petty. Jimin made bacon, eggs, and waffles. He poured Yoongi a cup of coffee, adding 3 spoons of sugar to it. Then, he poured himself a glass of orange juice.

Jimin was still kind of mad at Yoongi for forgetting their date again. He wanted to hold a grudge, he really did, but he couldn't. Holding a grudge might mean he'll lose Yoongi and Jimin definitely didn't want that.

"Yoongi, wake up, I made breakfast." Jimin shook the sleeping man's shoulder and kissed his cheek.

Despite being a heavy sleeper, Yoongi could always wake up to his lover's voice. His eyes fluttered open and Jimin came into his slightly blurry view. He yawned and rubbed at his eyes, sitting up.

"Good morning, baby."

Jimin mumbled the words back and ruffled Yoongi's bed hair.

"Come on, your stuff is getting cold and we know you hate cold food."

"Especially my coffee."

"Especially your coffee."

Jimin held Yoongi's hand as he lead them to the kitchen. They sat down at the table, and began eating.

They sat in silence for 5 minutes. The clanking and scraping of forks on the plates are the only sounds to be heard. Yoongi couldn't take it anymore. He felt the tension and he didn't like it.

"Baby, you know I'm sorry, right? You can stop being mad now."

Jimin sighed and set his fork down. He looked at the ceiling for a split second, then back at Yoongi.

"I'm not mad anymore. Never really was. I was just disappointed."

He never wanted to disappoint Jimin, yet here he is doing it anyway. What was Yoongi's problem?

"I'll make it up to you, I swear, baby. We can do whatever you want today."

"Whatever I want?"

There was a glint in Jimin's eyes as he smiled and Yoongi kind of regrets saying that. But, he'd do whatever it takes to make his baby smile again.

"Y-yeah, whatever you want."

Jimin squealed and got up from his chair, engulfing Yoongi in a tight hug. Now, don't get Jimin wrong. He's not with Yoongi for money, or gifts. He just simply loves being pampered whenever he gets the chance. Besides, him and Yoongi haven't hung out in forever.

"Thank you, I love you so much! Now, can you pretty please clean the house while I get ready?"

Jimin gave his best puppy dog look that he knew Yoongi wouldn't be able to say no to. And, the older didn't.

"Alright, I will. Go get dolled up, baby."

Yoongi patted Jimin's butt that somehow made its way onto his lap. Jimin kissed Yoongi's cheek and scurried off to the bathroom.

Yoongi chuckled as he got up and began clearing the table. The things he does for love.


When their relationship isn't on the brink of destruction, Jimin and Yoongi are happy as can be. And liked to think that everything was fine.

Jimin said a happy 'thank you!' to the cashier as he took his bag. With Yoongi following behind, Jimin walked out of the 5th clothing store they'd been to.

Jimin had really wanted and needed to go shopping, but he just never did it.

"Do you want something to eat, baby?"

Jimin looked up at Yoongi and smiled while nodding. They went to the food court and got Chinese.

Yoongi watched as Jimin ate, chewing his orange chicken slowly. He loved this boy so much. Every part of Jimin, Yoongi just loved and adored.

He knew their relationship was hanging from a thread. But, he didn't want to leave Jimin. Jimin is Yoongi's everything.

Yoongi doesn't know what the hell happened for their relationship to turn out this way. It's only been 4 years, why is this happening now? He can't remember for the life of him what happened in the past. Yoongi wanted to fix this...fix them.

"...Yoongi? Hyung!"

Yoongi looked at a worried Jimin and smiled.

"I'm fine, baby. Ready to go? I'm tired."

Jimin nodded and they got up from the table. Yoongi threw their trash away, then took Jimin's bags and hand to leave the mall.

Once home, they went straight into their room. They both took off their shoes and pants, leaving their shirts on. They laid under the covers with Jimin's back against Yoongi's chest. Like that, they fell asleep, enjoying their nap together.

End of The Day  |yoonmin|Where stories live. Discover now