The Incident Part 2

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The class finally ended and it was time for the next class which is physical education, my favourite lesson! I wonder if we should make another bet. I waved to Tyler As I walked towards my locker to put my book while he heads off to change.

and guess who I saw at my fucking locker, N.......wait what's her name again?

Oh, Natalia! I sometimes feel sad about the fact that Natalie Portman has a similar name as her.

Anyway, Natalia and Nick sitting on the tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G. don't judge me, I'm childish.

But seriously, they are practically eating each other's face out in front of the entire school and they are blocking my locker, fucking hell... Imagine giving me a puppy look earlier just now when I refuse to sit with him. Now he's here making out with the slut of the school.

I walked toward them and stopped beside them. Nick made eye contact with me before pushing her away harshly.

I saw Natalia pout before looking at me, smirking as she said


Nick was about to shout at her when I cut him off

"Not even close, take your make-out session somewhere else, you're blocking my locker," I said pointing at my locker which Nick is leaning on.

Nick tried to move the both of them but Natalia being the bitch she is decided to slam him back onto my locker and continue to make out with him, ignoring my request.

"I said, move it," I said trying to be as polite as I can in that situation.

Then she stopped, glared at me and stomped towards me before fucking stabbing her high heels into my leg.

But I didn't even flinch as she twisted her heels, trying to get it as deep as she can. Sadly for her, I didn't show the slightest pain since I went through worst than what she's doing to me Karma though, decides to be a bitch.

I grabbed her head and slammed it into the locker, sadly I can't kill her so not hard enough to kill her but enough to give her a broken nose, She screams in pain and started crying while leaning on Nick who looks shocked at what I did, like... seriously?

I rolled my eyes and opened my locker, shoving my books into it, I then took out a sanitiser spray and started spraying my locker, I didn't want it to be covered in STDs.

I glared at Nick, who quickly withdrew the hand that was close to m touching my shoulder, and walked away with people looking at me in amazement.

No More Innocence,No More Emotions.Or so I thoughtDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora