The renunion

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Hey! Thanks for reading, a picture of Micheal and I hoped you enjoy it!

~~~Ray POV~~~

It was after school, fuck... I have a trip down memory lane by going back to my 'lovely ' pack, Oh I miss them! I may have said that I'm ready to face those fuckers again, but that doesn't mean that I wanna meet them.

But lord am I gonna have fun with their reaction with them seeing me again, that's gonna be fun. I started making my way to my car while Micheal and Tyler went to get snacks? I don't remember, they told me, but I wasn't really listening.

As I got to my car, I saw that a large group of students gathered around my car, mutters of disbelief spread across the parking lot. Smirking, I pushed past the crowd, I unlocked the car, gaining the people's attention instead.

I pulled open the driver's side door of my car and got into my black Rolls Royce Phantom and waited patiently for Micheal and Tyler to come back from wherever they went.

Ignoring the crowd outside of the car, I quietly hummed to myself as I picked up the aux cord before plugging it into my phone, connecting it to my car speakers. Scrolling through the list of songs, I found the song I wanted to listen to and click on it, soon melodies from the music bounced around the car walls.

Realising that people are still gathered outside, still staring, I pushed down on the honk snapping them out of it causing them to scurry away.

As the crowd cleared up, I saw Micheal and Tyler making their way to the car with a quizzical look plastered on their face They made their into the car and asked if everything was alright to which I filled them out on the detail as to what happened.

They laughed as I put the car in reverse, slowly backing out of the parking lot before starting to make our way back to the useless pack and meeting so-called my 'family' if I have to call them that. To me, they were dead the moment I ran away from them.

If anything, Lucas, Micheal and Tyler are the best family members I can ever ask and hope for. Sure there are times when we do have small debates and negative moments, but they are always there for me, never once abandoning me for anything or anyone.

After 20 minutes of driving, we have reached the pack's territory and it didn't change at all. Still the same old disgusting design, same old buildings, the same group of people that makes me sick to the stomach as memories start to flow back.

I closed my eyes as all the emotions came back at once, I felt tears gathered in my eyes as suddenly someone tapped my shoulder and I looked up, immediately recognising Micheal's and Tyler's worried face

"Hey, you okay? wanna do this another time?"They asked at the same time which caused them to look at each other with a 'that did not just happen' making me laugh at their clash of words and expressions.

They turned their attention back onto me as their eyes soften at the sight of me laughing, soon all three of us was laughing like we were insane, people from the pack watching along.

It was a nice memory to help with the negative thoughts and feelings. Until someone spoke bringing what I like to call' chaotic noise' since I dislike-no despise that person

"Lu-Luna?" the voice stutters out, causing us to stop laughing as we looked at the source of that chaotic noise and saw the beta of the group.

My former brother, Nicolas. The brother that never stood up for me, the brother who helps organise the punching bag moments of my life.

"I'm sorry who?" I said with a smirk on my face, fear wiped from me as anger and hatred took over instead.

" it's me, your Brother!" He exclaimed, grabbing my arm and squeezing it tightly.

No More Innocence,No More Emotions.Or so I thoughtWhere stories live. Discover now