The Incident Part 1

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~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Luna/Ray POV~•~•~•~•~•~•~

~~~Ray POV~~~

~Dream/Nightmare start~

I screamed at the top of my lungs, begging for the beating to stop as I continued to apologise for being a failure.

"You are a useless piece of junk! I don't even know why did I give birth to you. I wish that you would've died the moment you come out!"

I glanced at the woman whom I called Mother, tears coming out like a storm as she threw me across the house and wished that I was dead.

Gritting my teeth, I ignored the pain and tried to crawl away from my mother. But before I could go anywhere or even attempt to get away, a pair of rough hands grabbed my legs and dragged me across the floor, effectively stopping me.

I struggled to no avail as another pair of hands then grabbed me from under my arms, and my legs suddenly slammed onto the table. Another wave of pain shocked me as I heard a crack coming from the impact.

~Dream/Nightmare ends~

I screamed as I jolted out from my bed, sweating and tears threatening to fall. I wiped them away and looked at my phone,' 4.45 am' I decided to go for a run.

I got out of bed and changed into a Royal Blue sports bra and shorts. I headed out and started running with earbuds planted in my ear as music blasted loudly.

I quietly sang as I ran, not thinking of a destination or how long I was going to run. I just wanted to get my mind off things.

An hour later, I made it to the other end of my neighbourhood, then noticed that there was a Starbucks and went to get a caramel frappe before starting to walk back home.

It was 6.44 am when I got home, I went to my bathroom and took a shower for 10 mins before heading into my closet and putting on a white tank top, black leather pants, leather jacket and black heels boots, to which I applied some mascara and lipstick.

After making sure that I looked decent, I then headed down and I saw Tyler plating this morning's breakfast while humming a tune of his own. Looking up, he made eye contact with me to which we gave each other a smile of greeting.

"Breakfast is served!" he said while grinning the whole time, I gave my thanks before taking a seat of my own. He placed a plate in front of me and I smiled looking at today's breakfast.

Tyler made all of my favourites. An Eggs Benedict with sides of Hash Browns, Mashed potatoes and sausages.

It was silent for a bit before we hear Micheal come jumping down and sitting down before Tyler can even put down his plate, we laughed at how dorky Micheal can be even though he's the oldest. Tyler then took a seat at his place, his plate filled with today's breakfast already in his hand.

" So what is the plan for today?" Micheal asked while chomping down on his food

"First, eat or talk choose one. Second, After school I need you two to be in the after school activity as him." I said and the two gave me a nod of understanding.

We got up, I collected the dishes and put them in the dishwasher while Micheal and Tyler headed back to their individual to get ready for school. 10 minutes later, we headed to the garage and decide to ride our bikes to school.

After a bunch of dumb moments on the road, we soon reached school. We again got stares from the rest of the students as we parked our bikes beside each other.

As I removed my helmet from my head, I saw a Nick standing there with a shocked face, either surprised by the fact that I can ride a bike or that I rode a bike... Probably both.

I smirked at his reaction as I got down from my bike. I locked my bike and made my way to class with Micheal and Tyler trailing behind him, He continued staring as I walked past him, I ignored him and continued going straight to my locker and taking my books out.

Suddenly I heard multiple obnoxious clicking sounds making their way in my general direction, what I saw...will forever haunt me. A group of Barbie wannabes, whose clothes barely cover anything, while makeup caked their faces, making me wonder if they actually took the effort to bash their faces in cakes before coming to school.

Closing my locker, I rolled my eyes while the boys made gagging noises came toward me and stood in front of me

"Stay away from my boyfriend!" She stated.

"Oh, You're talking to me? I'm sorry, I thought you saw a dog nearby and was talking to her." I mocked as I leaned onto the locker. I have been here for only one day, well second if you count today and already there are bitches all up in my ass about shit.

I heard a few 'oh' and 'burn', I don't know whether is it her blusher, or her face being naturally red from pure anger and embarrassment. But damn, her face looks like a tomato.

"Bitch don't you know who I am?!" she screeched, taking another step towards me.

"No, since I'm new and all, I don't care," I said, cringing at how loud and annoying her voice is.

" stop it, Natalia, She is not worth the time," one of Barbie's wannabes said as Natalia walked away as whispered "this is not over"

"Wow! I'm so scared, what do I do?" Jinx mocked and I laughed as I walked to class.

When I walked into class, I saw Tyler sitting behind Nick and the blond bitch from just now who is now clinging onto Nick as though her panties will be dropping any moment for him.

When Nick saw me, his face brighten up and signalled me to sit beside him, trying to push the bitch away but she whined and clung to his hand tighter. He turned to glare at her while she gave an 'innocent' face.

I gagged at her disgusting face and said " please don't do that face, I feel bad enough for the boys that you cling onto so much, now I feel horrible the fact that your clinging onto them with that face, it's just revolting"

She glared at me and gave me the finger to which I rolled my eyes before taking a seat beside Tyler instead.

Nick glared at the bitch before he flung her hand away hard before looking back at me, his face now filled with sadness as he faced back to the front looking like a wolf that did something wrong or didn't get his treat.

To be fair, he did fuck up and he ain't any bloody treat from me.

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