Deadly Game - Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

"See you later, Evan," I manage to say.

"Bye, Cassidy. Nice to finally know your real name, by the way. That stunt during lunch was pretty awesome. You've got spirit, little girl," Rino tells me, more amused than pissed off.

"Thanks." Then they leave, and I close the door. What the hell just happened? If Rino hadn't knocked on the door, I'm pretty sure Evan would had kissed me. Does he like me too?

Would he had really kissed me 'cause he wanted, or was it some kind of payback? Is this a game to him?

Judging from the look in his eyes – no, it's not. He likes me.

I am really confused right now.


The second day of training goes well. Once again, I have a hard time staying away from the knives. Axara and I spend most of the day at the ''surviving station'', which teaches you things about edible plants, how to make a shelter, and where to find water. I start to trust Axara even more. It's dangerous to trust her too much – I can't ever relax while in the arena – but I know that if she's going to have my back, I can't be too cold. A small amount of trust is needed.

I also learn that she's even more of a fighter than I first thought. She has two sisters, a younger, and a older, and together they work to stay alive. Apparently Axara's District has very long working days, and she usually doesn't sleep for more than six hours every night.

It's such a small detail, and still it makes me happy. Another thing we have in common.

I have not seen Evan in private since last night, and our almost kiss. It feels like he's been avoiding me. He did show up to breakfast – but not the same time as he did yesterday. He left the breakfast quickly, barely saying 'Good luck for today's training', before he went.

Now it's dinner. I'm curious. Will he ignore me still?

Apparently not.

"So, Cass, want to talk about today's training?" he asks, smiling.

"Um... yes?" I make it sound like a question, and for some unexplainable reason I blush. We are alone – Rino keeps disappearing into his room after dinner. I do not want to think of what he might be doing. Violet is watching TV again, some kind of re-run of the reapings with some comments by people who are important. I don't understand what's so special about them, but apparently something is.

We walk in silence to my room.

He sits down on the sofa in my room, gesturing me to sit down with him.

"Cassidy. Look at me."

I've been avoiding his gaze. I have never felt this shy before. Evan makes me feel new things, and I'm afraid of it. Of course, since Riccy and I told others we weren't a couple some boys have been hitting on me. Pathetic attempts to kiss me, ask me to be their girlfriend. I have always answered negatively, sometimes even slapped someone who tried to get a little too close for my liking. I need to keep my family alive – I don't have time for romance. The only love I can allow myself to feel is the one for my family and closest girl friends, Willow and Pearly. I can't let myself love someone I couldn't protect. I love only those I know I'd do anything to save, those who I put before everything and everyone, even my own life.

I know I'm pretty. In my District we marry quite early. Like Denlay and Brendt – she was sixteen and he seventeen when they married. We get our first serious girl- and boyfriends at age thirteen. We are not allowed a long childhood. Hardly any childhood at all.

We build families as teenagers. Sixteen year old mothers are not that unusual. My fifteenth birthday is coming up. It'll be the same day as I go into the arena.

So now, when I turn to look Evan in the eye, I don't know what to expect. I have never loved a boy like I love him, and I'm out of my comfort zone. Should I say something? Let him know my feelings?

What if the only boy I like this way doesn't like me?

My fears are rushing through my brain, and I'm silent. He keeps eye-contact, leans forward to brush the hair from my face, then letting his hand stay on my cheek. It feels good, natural. Maybe this isn't so hard at all? Maybe all I need to do is follow my instincts, do what feels right.

His pretty sea-green eyes stare into my blue ones.

" I like you, Cass. A lot. I know you're probably very confused about everything right now, because things keep happening so fast. But can you answer one question? Honestly, please?"

I nod, unable to speak.

"After the games, can you consider being my girlfriend?"

I'm still speechless. Did Evan Storm just ask me to be his girlfriend? No way!

"I don't need to consider it. I say yes," I manage to get out.

He smiles, and leans a little backward. "That's all I need to hear right now."

But I refuse to let him slip away from me yet. In a few days it'll be long enough.

"I'd actually answer that question with a 'yes' anytime you asked it."

"If I ask right now?"


"Would you be my girlfriend, Cassidy?" He's smiling, his eyes sparkling.

"Of course, Evan."

He leans forward to kiss me.

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