Chapter 11:Pickup line.

978 83 40

I widened my eyes 'What is he trying do? Kill me?' He shushed, by placing a finger on his lips. I heard sirens and soon after a police car drove past us. 'Okay, may be his intentions are not bad.' I relaxed myself.

He slowly took off his hand from my face but we were still in the same position, the atmosphere around us tensed a little and I started to breathe heavily. He leaned closer our noses were almost touching, his gray orbs turned a shade darker and were boring into my green ones, it felt like he was asking for something, permission. 'Permission for what? OMG to kiss!!' Do wanted him to kiss me. Well his lips are alluring, I bit my bottom lip.

He smells nice too like mint and chocolate, damn! "Are you a chocolate cause I'm melting". He backed up a bit and chuckled, his cheeks tinted little pink.

Have I lost it, what a dumb pickup line was that? 'Poof!' I blush explode. Did I just accidentally made a pickup line and threw at him.

"Did you just hit on me?" I turned beetroot red. "No, I wasn't planing to." I shoved him and started to walk. He followed me. Ella get a grip! My hearts been beating fast and my cheeks are heating up.

"But you did!" He will never let this go, never! He has this huge smile on his face that reached his eyes. He doesn't look like a grumpy face anymore.

"It was a slip up!" I blurted.

"Did you just admit?" He was amused. I stopped my heels and spin around.

"May be I did" I huffed, "And why are you following me?" I questioned.

"It's not safe for you to wander around this late at night, I'll drop you home." I like what he just said but it's none of his concern.

I lower my head little to the right-side and said "Says the guy who just go 'Rock' on those guys." *sighs*, while shaking my head. Yes, I am a drama queen.

"They started it first." he responded. How old is he?

"Yeah, and you are five year old." I giggled at his face because he looks as lost as five year old in a fair.

He glared at me "You don't know the whole story, Ella." He said in a serious tone. It reminded me of Zinky's words. So, I asked him "I'll let my precious time to you. So, mind to tell me?" I asked with curiosity.

"No!" He said way too quickly and started to walk. What is he hiding?

"We need to take left from here." I called for him. "Do your duty properly, Errr'ick" I smirked and turned to the left.

"Stop calling my name like that!" He said in a burly tone while coming towards me. He doesn't know by saying that he is provoking me more.

"No! I like it that way." I chirped just to annoy him.

"Whatever." he mumbled like a girl. But it sounded cute.

"So, Zinky told me that you are innocent. I demand an explaination!" I command.

He knotted his brows in confusion. I gave him flat look. He is no fun, thought to myself. "Tell me what actually happened to my car!" I said in a duh tone.

"Oh, ummmmn...." He zoned out like Zinky did. It looked like he is thinking 'whether should I trust her or not'. It's my damned car I have every right to know!

He looked into my emerald eyes with solemn look on his face. My wild thoughts started to pop up in my head before I could speak he said "When you stole my car." I cut him off.

"No, I did not steal your car. I just borrowed it." I defended myself.

"Okay, when you borrowed my car." He said sloppily. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Continue!" I said with a hand gesture.

"I know you think it was me, who broke another headlight of your car." he paused; I gave him a nod so he could proceed.

"It wasn't me."


Author's note:

Who was it then? Any guesses?

Do anyone have a friend like 'Ella'?

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