Chapter Five: There's a Hit Out for Me

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    As soon as we landed I could feel that her eyes where on me. I must've fell asleep. I turned my head to see the overlarge man avoiding my stare. To the left I felt Aderes lay a hand on my shoulder. She was about to say something when the plane made it to the gate and the seat belt sign turned off. Everyone beside us stood up and hauled their luggage off the plane. Aderes stood even though the fat man to my right hadn't moved yet. We both looked at her.

    Her neck turned pink from embarrassment. Looking at her hands, her pure white and dark brown hair fell like a curtain in between us. Out of habit I reached a hand out to tuck her hair behind her ear. I just want to feel your ivory skin under my fingers. I snapped my hand back before she turned to look at me.

"Um, Rail it's our turn to go." Aderes said.

"Ah. Yes. Sorry I got distracted.." Her eyes seemed confused but I stood up and grabbed her small backpack before she could read more into it. I didn't know what she would see there. Love? No, she didn't seem to believe that. Yearning was probably what she saw. I want you. I closed my eyes and took a breath. I put my hand out to help Aderes out of her seat, but of course, she denied it. Standing on her own she walked up the aisle.

    One by one people stepped off the plane. It was slowed paced and Aderes seemed to be in a rush as she tapped her foot. As I watch her I felt their presence right away. Dammit. Jay, my once loyal servant , was here and wasn't alone. I shot a glance at Aderes. She didn't seem to be able to feel them. But, what was I going to-

"Can I stop by the bathroom?" Her eyes looked indifferent almost bored.

I smiled, "I'm not dumb enough to let you go and do that. Where we just happened to be in a very public place."

"I know you're some great powerful God," My skin warmed when she said powerful, " and you may not need to piss, but I do." She glared at me. I darted my eyes down the tunnel connected us to the gate. We were almost out where Jay and Athena were.

"Fine." I saw the side of her mouth go up, "But you have to hold my hand there and after you're done you have to until we leave the airport." Her eyes blazed. God how could she look so sexy?


"Because I don't want you going anywhere. Plus, don't you want people seeing you hold the hand of a God?" I winked.

"No way."

I sighed. "Suit yourself."

    She growled and snatched my hand intertwining hers with mine. I saw her shiver away a little but it passed. My golden tan skin radiated off a small glow. Focus. Right back to the plan. Slowly my hand became warm as I let my power pass through me to her. We passed the doors to the gate and it reflected our image. Aderes and I looked 50 years old. I cracked a smile at our reflection. I silently wished we could grow old together.

    I kept my body blocking Aderes view from Athena and especially Jays. We made it all the way down to the last bathroom closest to the exiting doors. I picked this bathroom mostly because if Aderes decided to make a run for it I would be able to see her, but also because I wanted a quick escape in case the others caught up to us.

"Are you going to let go of me or are you trying to go in there with me?" She said.

I let go of her hand looking round making sure no one could see her true form now that we were disconnected. I didn't like being so exposed. "Hurry."

    I stood by the woman's bathroom. I watched families hugging as they were reunited. There were angry businessmen on their phones and some where sitting in chairs, head all the way back, sleeping. I shivered. I hated the feeling of all these worldly sins around me. They were pathetic. We need to go home, I thought. A flash caught my eye. I saw Athena right down the terminal where the others woman's bathroom was. What was taking Aderes taking so long. I looked around me and ran in there. There were dark brown marble sinks lined against the wall. To the other side where the stalls.

"Aderes, hurry." I said

   She opened the stall door right beside me and stared at me with wide eyes. "Geez, what's the rush?" I took her hand but she pulled back. "It's Sarah by the way and I need to wash my hands. Couldn't I just have two minutes by myself?"

    I started to feel something uneasy in my stomach. "We have to go. Now." My voice thick with demand. I looked around me, bracing myself for Athena showing at any moment. I shivered at the cold air that seemed to fill the bathroom.


I opened the woman's bathroom door looking for any signs of her.

"Rail!" I turned around annoyed. There was a dark shadow of floating smoke that lingered by the sinks. It began to form a man like shape. He floated above the floor and his hands where glowing a dark blue. I heard the growl that came from it as it pulled back an arm to fire at me.

"Move!" I shouted at Aderes. 

    My hands turned red instantly as I shot a returning glob at the Roper. As I turned to block Aderes from his touch he managed to hit me square in the chest his orb sending blue sparks around me. I fell to the floor, hitting my head on the way down. The Roper floated closer and hovered over me. I wasn't going to be able to recover fast enough. I could smell the dirt like essence his smoke gave off.

    I let out a cry when another blue orb hit me in the face. The fire stung my eyes and wronged my vision. I jumped into a lunging stance shacking my head back and forth trying to regain my perfect vision. Where is she?  Refusing to give up, I blinked away the fogginess just as Aderes fire a silver orb through the Ropers shoulder. I could see it took a lot of energy out of her as she panted..was trying to kill it?

    I remember when she tried to kill me back at the hotel. She had just killed a Roper when she was aiming at me. Then she tired to kill me at the cotton mill too. Her chest had had the slightest color of green.

"You still have it."

"Not all of it."

She's not strong enough.

     My hand reached out to her but it was too late. The Roper was pissed and turned towards her. It's ghostly hand began to glow brighter and brighter. I could see the ripples in the air when he fire the orb into her. Aderes shot back into a stall and hit the wall above the toilet. I heard a large crash of tiles fall to the floor along with Aderes body.

     I scrambled to my feet ready to release all my power. The Roper had turned back to fulfill its goal. Killing me. My body covered the bathroom in gold and red light. Gold from my skin and red from my fist that now hit the Roper dead in the heart. Rage piled on top of rage, it began to boil my blood. I shot again and again until he finally turned to ash. I stood there panting trying to cage my emotions.

Aderes let out a whimper. That was enough for me to snap back into reality. She laid face down on the floor in front of the toilet. "Are you ok?" She whispered.

    I shock my head. "Of course not, you're hurt." I pulled her up carefully with ease. She had cuts on her arms and a long gash on her cheek. "Damn." She tried to stand up. Carefully she managed to stand holding onto my arm.

"Whoa." She said trying to steady herself. She rubbed her head. "Oh ouch. Fuck. Owe." I stood taller to see her hair covered in blood. I lightly brushed her hair away from the cut so I could see the damage.

"Shit." I whispered. "Shit. Shit. Shit!"

Aderes looked at me with watered eyes. "Why was that Roper here? Was..was it trying to kill me?" Her voice hitched on the word kill. My raged flared back and my hands held her protectively.

"No. That Roper was meant for me."

"Oh.." She slumped forward her eyes rolling to the back of her head and then she passed out. I looked around me. I really didn't want to leave a trail but what choice did I have? I sighed and flashed just as I saw a light flash of red.

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