Chapter Five: Look Out!

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            The vibration from my phone woke me up. I took in my surroundings. I was still on the floor laying next to a pile of random papers. I looked to my right out the window; It's morning. I pulled my phone out and answered it. I jerked the phone away as Stef yelled from the other end. "Why haven't you answered my calls. I've been worried sick about you. Are you okay?" Stef cut me off before I could answer. "Does Jay have something to do with this?" she growled.

          "Stef stop. I'm fine." I told her I was sleeping when she called and that my phone died. I knew she didn't believe me when I told her Jay had nothing to do with this, even though he had everything to do with it, but I didn't care.

"You know what we should do...we should go drive down to Pop's house." Pop was my grandfather who lived in New Hampshire. About A day's trip from South Carolina.

          "What? You really wanna drive all that way?" I thought about it but I knew it would be good for me to have a weekend getaway. "You know what...Hell yes. Let's go." Stef squealed with excitement and I couldn't help but join in with her. I called Dad and he was cool with it. We planned on me picking up Stef early in the morning and picking up breakfast on our way out of town."I see you tomorrow!" I said goodnight to Stef and finished packing. Just thinking about leaving town gave me the peace to sleep soundly for the first time in days.


            I was talking to Dad when it happened. He had just gotten home so I made him breakfast and sat down with him to talk. He rambled on about how mad he was about not catching any fish while he was out with Jody. I was laughing when the front door busted opened. It wasn't as much of a man as he was ghostly. His skin was grey and had black smoke lingering around him. But what grabbed my attention most of all was the red glow coming from his hands. Dad stood up and I did the same. "What the-" Dad's screams took over all my senses. The man's hands shot out red flames which surrounded my father. The screams stopped and all that was left was a pile of my father's ashes.

            My body shook with rage as I ran towards the man not knowing what I was going to do. I stretched forward my arms feeling the rage flowing through them. My arms turned snow white as my hands started to burn but I didn't care. The man looked at me as he lunged towards me. Silver light shot from my hands ripping through the creatures ghostly fog. His determination turned to hesitation as he lunged towards me again. He grabbed me so tight I couldn't breath anymore. I felt the fury within me making my skin hot. Again my skin turned white and turned into silverlight drowning out the man's black smoke. "You killed my father you bastard!" I yelled over his screams. I let out a snarl as the room became too bright to see. I squinted around as the room dimmed; It was empty. Dads ashes were blown around by the shock of my light. I fell to my knees and touched the floor where he was killed.

            I closed the door before going upstairs. I walked down the hall to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I felt ice cold, numb even. I looked in the mirror; Shock was written all over my face. My eyes are normally a light blue but now they glowed a silvery gray. My skin was practically glowing white. I pulled back my arm and punched the mirror shattering the glass. "Dammit," I yelled. I went downstairs to grab the medicine case. I pulled out every piece of glass without feeling a thing. I let silent tears fall down my face and fall to the floor. What do I do? I heard the shower still running so I headed up stairs. There was steam flowing out from under the door. I grabbed the doorknob when I heard a slamming fist on my front door.

            A hand covered my mouth at the same time as an arm pulled me against them. I kicked the air trying to get away from my attacker as they dragged me into my steamy bathroom. I got an arm free and jabbed them in the gut. "Agh!" I spun around at the sound of Stef's voice. "Geez calm down will ya?" Stef was glowing a rosey color and her eyes were a golden yellow. A trumble fit of words spilled out as I tried to explain what happened. "I know I know. I'm sorry Sarah, but we do not have time to catch up." A slam of a fist come down on the bathroom door. A light mist of gray smoke lingered at the crack at the bottom of the door. Stef opened the small window as far as it could and said, "Jump." I looked at her like she was crazy. Stef rolled her eyes, "Out you go." and pushed me out the window.

            I screamed as I fell from my second story bathroom window. I hit something hard and opened my eyes. It was Stef wearing a tight smile as she started to run to my camaro. I wiggled to get out of her hands but it was no use. She shoved me in the car and buckled me in. She was in the drivers sit before I could even blink. "What the hell is going on!?" I screamed. Stef revved the engine and drove on out of town without giving me any explanation.

            We were three hours away from York, South Carolina. I turned my head to say goodbye to my home. "I guess this road trip is a great time to try to explain things huh?" Stef mumbled. I stared at her from the corner of my eye. This was the first thing she had said to me since we drove away from my father's ashes. Oh Dad... I began to cry, softly at first, then full out blubbering. Stef put her hand on my shoulder. I couldn't reject it. I unbuckled my seatbelt and cuddled her side. I buried my face into the side of her neck like I always did when Stef tried to comfort me. She kept driving as she made soothing sounds. I fell asleep or passed out I don't know which. But the moment I closed my eyes, I saw a red glow come from the darkness.

            I woke up watching the trees fly by as my camaro groaned. I was back in my seat buckled up. "What happened in there Stef?" Her eyes stayed on the road; her face blank. "My hands were glowing silver.  That man..or whatever he was, I killed him Stef." Stef huffed and rolled her eyes. "You didn't kill him. You banished him." I looked at Stef wanting her to explain more. She didn't. She just bit her lip and turned back to focus on the road.

"Jay would tell me. Just like he told me I was the Protector." A wave of shock flowed over Stef's face. Finally a reaction. She whipped her head forgetting about the road.

          "What did Jay tell you?" Stef said grimacing when she said his name. I looked down and dug the letter out of my pocket. Stef snatched it out of my hands, stuck it to the steering wheel, and didn't bother to look at the car cutting us off. She stayed in complete control. "That little shit. When did he give this to you?"

          "I think yesterday. I blacked out and had a dream or vision, something. When I woke up he was there saying he was some servant to a God and I was the protector of the heavens. Dad came home so I told him to leave and I found this letter and he said we're in love-" Stef held her hand up stopping me. She looked sad. She gave me a hard look. "You can't trust him, Sarah." Stef looked back at the road her cheeks burning a deep rose. "Tell me what's going on. Please." I bugged. Stef bowed her head and sighed.

            "The True One made you to protect over all the heavens. Mostly His. He knew there were other gods jealous of him and his power. So, he makes you, Aderes. Long story short Rail, you know Rail right?" I nodded my head. "Yeah so he wanted you to be his protector and you said no and all hell broke lose, blah blah blah." Stef looked at me. "The thing Jay forgot to mention was-" I glanced at the window to see a bronzy glow in the pitch black.I screamed as Stef jerked the car around twisting the car to its side until we started to roll. Crushing us to the ground.

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