Chapter Fifteen: History Lesson

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     It was Jay sitting on the couch. He was holding a green and white rock. He rubbed his golden thumb back and forth over it. Jay looked up and gave me a shy smile. "Surprised?" He said. I reached for the stone but he snatched his hand back. "It's mine." He giggled. "Come and get it."

      I jumped on top of him holding the side of the couch for support. When I reached for the stone our hands intertwined. "You still love me, admit it." I pulled back my arm and punched him right in the nose. He didn't even flinch. "Is that the best you can do? Come on Sarah you can do better." I let go of the couch and raised my arm to strike but I lost my balance and fell.


       I woke up beside the bed where I landed, my face plastered onto the floor. My head pounded. Where am I? I looked around me seeing the forest green walls and a broken table. What happened? Memory after memory slammed into my head. The hotel fire, Stef going after the Ropers, and Rail..


I spun around the room. Rail was sitting on the end of the bed watching me. I stood up looking for the door...oh yeah. No doors. "I take it you didn't sleep well?" His raspy voice echoed in the large room. I backed away from his outstretched hand.  

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Prattville, Alabama. Down town in the old cotton mill." He said.

"Why am I here?" My voiced cracked revealing my fear. I clawed at the wall hoping there was a secret door. Nothing. I lowered my gaze down to the floor avoiding Rail's stare.

"You don't need to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you."

"Ya okay. I'm just going to believe the guy who wants me dead." Rail scoffed. I glared back at him. "What the hell do you want from me?"

   He sighed as he got up and walked towards me. I was cornered and it wasn't like I had anywhere to go. He stood a few inches taller than Jay 'making him probably 6'4. I couldn't shake this strange feeling about him. Which was not good.

"I want to talk, but you need to stop trying to kill me." He said putting his hands up. He gave me a crooked smile. Wow.

"What do you want to talk about?"

      Rail stood right in front of me. I plastered myself against the wall trying to stay away from him as much as I could. He lifted his hand to my face but I moved my head to the side to avoid his touch. He sighed and let his hand fall.

"I've been waiting years to find you." Rail looked down fondly at me. My blood rushed to my cheeks. Why am I blushing? "I've missed you Aderes." I tried to calm my breathing, but he was so close to me. I couldn't concentrate.

"Why have you been looking for me when you banished me in the first place." I shoved past him.

"You know nothing. You only know what they've told you." He yelled. He followed me towards the broken table.

"Where is Stef and Jay? They didn't do anything wrong. Neither did I. Let me go." I pleaded. I wanted so badly to be in the arms of Stef and hearing her yell at Jay about how much she wished he was dead.

"You can't trust them!"

"And I'm supposed to trust you?" I felt around for a broken piece of the table to use as a weapon. Rail noticed and snatched my arm.

"If you could only remember what really happened. You would know the truth." His eye burrowed into mine. I never wanted to stop staring at them. I felt like I had found what I had been searching for this whole time. Answers. "You've been remembering things, yes?"

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