Chapter Two: Dreams

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   Arms were holding me together. I felt whole and relived. A hand was petting my hair humming while doing so. I looked up to see Jay smiling at me with his beautiful smile. My eyes adjusted to the dark and i could see his tan skin. I lifted my hand while slowly moving it towards Jay's face. Suddenly, his eyes turned into a look of horror as he looked at where his heart used to be; Jay's chest was just a bloody ragged hole. Blood dripped down his light brown shirt staining it along with my hands as I tried to stop the bleeding. He let out shallow moan and fell into my arms. I couldn't stop screaming, "Jayden, Don't leave me!" Then came the crushing sense of unconditional love and an overpowering sense of anger. Everything seemed so real. I could smell his blood that was now in a puddle underneath me. They way his eyes seemed to tell me everything will be ok as life left them. Jay's breath was hot and sharp and his tan skin turned a ghostly white. He was dead.

   My screams work me up to sobbing tears engraved into my checks. I sat up in bed feeling sweat or tears, I didn't know which, fall from my face. I tried to breath evenly and calm myself. I stared out into the darkness until I started to see the early morning sunlight touching the corners of the window pane. I took a deep breath and decided to go ahead and get ready. This day was going to be awful.

When I picked up Stef she looked at me with wide eyes. "What the hell happen to you?" I relayed the dream to her as she frowned the whole time. Stef shrugged it off saying it was nothing to worry about. "Maybe it was just some freak thing you know? Don't read too much into it and do not tell Jay." She laughed. "He'd think you're crazy." We both laughed at that but I stopped short when I looked into the rearview mirror at the black leather jacket. It seemed to be burning it's own way into my memory. I felt like I was forgetting something. Stef noticed my staring and looked at me in the eye even though I was driving and said in a whisper, "Forget it Sarah. It was nothing."

   My locker creaked as I opened it. I grabbed my first period binder and hung Jay's jacket carefully. The tiny mirror hanging caught my eye. My face was paler than its ivory color and my eyes looked gray and tired. My dark brown hair was in a knotted bun; I tried to brush it out with my fingers but I gave up. My lips looked dry so i grabbed my chapstick. When my eyes met with the mirror I saw a shadow. I spun around and smacked right into tan muscle. No! Not Jay , not now."  His dark hair isn't the first thing I noticed. There was a scar that long and jagged that was across his eyebrow. You could barely notice it. Jay smiled at me like he'd never seen the sun before. How can someone be so beautiful?

"Hey, Jay right?" I croaked out, "I have your jacket. Hold on I'll get it." I turned, unlocked my locker, grabbed the jacket, and held it out for him. I turned back around to close my locker when I felt him put the jacket on my shoulders. I had to admit I was burning alive, I was blushing so bad.

"Keep it. It looks good on you." Jay's words rang with the truth. I looked at the ground and back at him. " don't even know me. It's sweet of you but I don't need it." I tried not to seem disappointed as I took off and handed him his jacket back. I walked to class before I could give myself away.

   Stef was in my first period class. I rushed over to my seat next to her. I started scribbling out everything that just happened with Jay on a note and passed it to her. Her face was blank but then she smiled at me. She wrote back saying that it was creepy. "Why is it creepy?" I asked her, Stef tried to stifle a laugh and passed the note back to me. "You guys haven't even had a real conversation yet and he want's to give you his jacket. Seems odd to me." I started to write back when Mrs.Hughes eyed me. I balled up the note and tossed in the trash.

   After class, Stef was packing up when I spotted Jay waiting by the door. I whispered to over to Stef to see that she was staring as well. What the hell? she mouthed to me. I shrugged. Jay got impatient I guess and walked up to me. "Hello Stef, do you mind if I walked Sarah to her next class?" What was his deal? He seemed determined to speak to me so Stef said sure. When she walked behind him she crossed her eyes and pointing to her head and moved it in circles. I smiled trying not to draw too much attention to her. Jay smiled, "She thinks I'm crazy, huh?" Stef froze for half a second before she sprinted down the hall. I couldn't help but laugh along with Jay. "Is it so crazy that I want to get to know you? Is that so bad?" I thought about what he said for a minute. Why was he so interested in me? His first day here was yesterday.

"Well, can you explain to me why you want to get to know me?" The bell rang. "Shit," I whispered. "I can't be late to my third period again." Jay handed me a note. I looked at it with confusion and then back at Jay's familiar face.

"Read it. I'll see you in government.," He flashed me a crooked smile that made my heart melt. The final bell rang.


Mr. Gail yelled at me for a good twenty minutes. "Is my class that boring that you have to be late all the time? That's the last time Sarah or I'm sending you to the office." I nodded and rolled my eyes as I went to my set in the back corner of the room. I grabbed my notebook and tried to look busy. My hands couldn't open Jay's note fast enough. I read it twice trying to decipher every word.

You can trust me, Sarah.



Take the jacket. I put it back in your locker.

   How did he get into my locker? Why does he need to know me? I was in the middle of freaking out when the bell rang. Damn, I lost track of time.

   At lunch I found Stef as soon as I could. She looked over the note. Her face reflected mine. Full of confusion, fear, and frustration. Stef flew her arms in the air, "What the hell is up with this guy?" My face fell flat when Jay walked up behind Stef.

"Hey Stef, still think I'm crazy I see." Jay winked at me. Stef turned around and gave Jay a fake sweet smile.

"Excuse us for a moment." Stef turned around, grabbed my arm, and dragged me to the bathroom. "Please tell me you're not interested in him." I thought about it. "In all honesty, he is kinda creepy. And really forward." I said. I gave Stef a small smile.

"Then it's settled, no Jay Marvin." Stef gave me a hug and we went to get in line for lunch.

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