Chapter Eight: Neutral Enemies

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           Jay's eyes were piercing and unashamed. He walked towards me in his naked glory standing taller than me. Suddenly, I felt so small and vulnerable. Stef leaned against the door frame sneering at Jay.

"How..How are you alive? I thought I killed you." I whispered.

"Ya well, your juice isn't as strong as you think. Its takes a lot of focus and power to banish someone like us. You have to be absolutely sure you want to." He rolled his eyes, "And it looks like you weren't so sure. Next time give me a heads up, will ya?" I glared at him, hating myself for lusting over his body.

"I guess I have you to blame for this?" Jay waved a hand over his body. My eyes lingered at every part of him. I forced myself to look away and stare at my converses. I could feel the heat from my cheeks raising. "What did she tell you?" He growled eyeing Stef.

"That you let out word that I was alive and that's why my dad's dead." I spat out. My skin burned with an itch. I looked back at Jay who's face was swollen with misery. "I'll kill you...I mean it, I will." I said. My skin crackled with silver, like hot rash.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I had no idea I was being watched. If I had known I would've never followed you home. But it's not my fault. If you want to blame someone, blame Rail and his ropers. And you," Jay pointed at Stef who seemed bored, "You need to stop spreading lies. Sarah, you can ask me anything. Don't go getting second hand answers from Stef. She hates me and wants me dead. She'll say anything to get me killed." He reached over the couch grabbing a blanket, wrapping it around his waist. He caught me staring. I think he even blushed a little.

"Well, excuse me for trying to give the girl some closer." Stef said running her hands through her red hair. She got up and smiled at me, "Sorry Sarah. I would love to kill him myself but I'd be a bad friend if I did." She shot a glance at Jay and waved her hand. "This time around things are different. I thought you killing Jay would bring a new flare to the show, don't you think?" Stef left the doorway going back into the room with the rusty bed spring.

          Jay and Stef were sleeping. Stef on the floor and Jay on the couch. I sat by the fireplace sipping on the tea Jay brought back with him when he went into town for food clothes. My skin was cold and my muscles were weak. I assumed it was because all of me using my new found powers but Jay said it's because the stress of losing my father, getting in a car wreak and learning about the heavens.

         I didn't know if I should've felt sorry for trying to kill Jay or hate him for being in my life. I thought about how normal I used to be. How just three days ago I'd never even known Jay Marvin. Then I thought about how empty I used to feel. I was always wondering if there was a greater purpose in life I was to fulfill. It was true that I have never felt more alive in my life. But that seemed to be from fear and lingering danger.

        A strand of light brown hair blurred my vision, which was weird since I had dark brown hair. I pulled my hair back and poked at the fire with a stick. All that was left was black and red embers glowing in the night. I stared at them letting my mind go blank. I sighed.

       Pop. Pop. Crack. I turned around to see Jay popping his back. "That's disgusting." I said. He grabbed a log and dropped it in the fireplace sending embers flying. "Sorry." He yawned sitting down next to me. He pulled out the leather jacket he gave me the first day we met. He flung it over my shoulders, careful not to touch me.

"When did you get this?" I asked.

"I may have flashed back to the school and grabbed it. It's got sentimental value." Jay said fingertips grazing the edge of sleeve. The fire made his tan skin look like caramel and smooth. His dark brown hair was longer and his eyes were like emeralds. He looked...happy. "What?" He frowned.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare." I said looking down. Glancing at him I found a small smile was on his face. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything." Jay said drawing spirals in the ashes by the fire.

        I took a deep breathe. I had so many questions floating around in my head. Although, I had one main question that had been bugging me ever since Jay told me about the heavens. "Why do you still love me? After everything?"

       Jay leaned in, staying only inches away from touching. He hesitated. "There' words to describe the sacrifices I've made to be with you. Leaving the heavens tore me apart. I wouldn't have gone through all that pain if you weren't worth it." He touched his forehead to mine. I didn't move. Jay leaned back, touched my cheek, and left the room. He left me sitting by the fire, head still spinning, alone with my thoughts.


         I woke up to Stef yelling at Jay. "Keep your filthy paws off my granola bars!" Ugh. They've been at it for days. Yelling at one another for almost having me killed and another shouting about how they can't trust the other.

"Will you guys shut the hell up?" I barked. I threw the blanket over my head shutting out their yelling. A gust of air struck my body. It was freezing. Stef held my blanket up giving me a fake smile.

"Good morning sunshine." Stef said. "I think it might be time for me to kill your obsessive lover." She shouted the obsessive part out to Jay who came stomping into the living room. I blushed red. I was in short shorts and a tank top, my brown hair in a bun. I sunk down into the couch.

"You're one to talk; always standing guard of her like she's made of glass!" Jay threw his hands up. "I can't even believe you're a god. You bitter old hag." Stef's face turned blood red and a rose color started pulsing from her.

         I stood up putting my body in between them. Jay relaxed when my hand touched his bare chest. He was wearing his new dark blue jeans and white shoes. His shirt on the other hand was gone which made me blush. "What is wrong with you two?" I said. Jay jabbed a finger at me. "You ask her. Since she's so noble."

       I looked at Jay waiting for him to explain. Sighing he sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to him. I sat in front of him instead.

"We're basically mortal enemies. Rail hated me and I," Stef pointed at herself, "hated Rail. We've always battled off and on. So naturally I hate him too since Jays his servant but I try to be civil." Stef said mockingly.

"Seriously? Civil? You call hiding Aderes away from me being civil?" Jay pulled his hair standing in Stef's red face.

"You think you have all rights to her just because you love her. Well, news flash buddy, she's my best friend!" Golden sparks flied around Stef's hands. She raised her arms at the same time I jumped in the middle.

"Stop it!" I screamed. "You two need to stop acting like idiots. I get that ya'll are enemies but can't y'all be neutral enemies?" My eyes bugged for Stef to calm down. "Fine." They both said through gritted teeth.

"Prove it. Hug it out." I said. Both of theirs skin began to shine. Both of them repulsed from the other. "At least shake hands." Jay gave me a worried look as he shook Stef's hand. His face twisted in pain while Stef grinned at the death grip she had on Jay's hand. She twisted it until he was knelt before her.

"There, now we're all best friends." Stef smiled patting Jay's back as she walked towards the couch. I knelt down beside him helping him get up when he gave me a smile. Even though the pain his smile didn't falter. It made me think back to the day he walked into my government class for the first time. Wow,I thought.

Silver {Book One}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang