"Come on!" He said, grabbing her hand, pulling her with him as the door shut behind them.

The streets were empty, but the couple took it as a sign for them to do whatever the hell they wanted to do.

"May I have this dance, m'lady?" Taehyung bowed, trying not to laugh as he stretched his arm out for Krystal.

"You're so cheesy!" She laughed, taking his hand, making him straighten his posture.

"Oui, monsieur." She replied, placing her hand on his left shoulder.

"Eeeeew!" They both said in unison, laughing.

They really hated French.

"This isn't a movie, you know." Krystal pointed out as they danced in the middle of the street.

"I know, but it could be." Taehyung replied, letting go of Krystal.

"What?" Krystal asked, feeling dumbstruck.

"Let's pretend we're filming a movie!" Taehyung shouted as he jumped in a puddle, feeling more enthusiastic than ever.

Krystal humored him by nodding.

"You'd have carefree parents that would let you sleep at my place." He started.

"Everyone would gossip about us. Everyone would envy us. You'd be a cheerleader and I'd be a football player." He continued, proving how many chick flicks he had watched.

"We could go to South Korea together. I'd be able to see where you were raised." Krystal smiled.

"You will." He said, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Just wait." He bit his lower lip.

"You know what?" He suddenly said, furrowing his eyebrows, slightly parting his lips.

"We don't have to be in a movie to be happy. We're the happiest we've ever been!" He smiled.

"At least I know I'm the happiest I've ever been." He rolled his eyes, receiving a giggle from Krystal.

"But that does not mean I won't let you see South Korea." He continued.

Krystal smiled at his soaking wet hair. She watched as the droplets fell from his hair, sliding down the bridge of his nose, falling off the edge, reaching his lips as his tongue licked them off.

"Come, try this." He said after checking both ends of the street, looking for cars.

He pulled her into a puddle and started jumping, encouraging Krystal to jump with him.

"When did that happen?" Jin asked.

"Well, it didn't happen before his cousin danced with me. It happened after that. Almost 6 years ago?" Krystal wasn't sure.

"Did he take you to South Korea?" Jin asked.

"No." She firmly answered, clearing her throat.

"I miss you.

The sky is sad. Its children, the clouds, are crying for you.

But aren't you with them?

Why would they be crying if they had what I want?

How dare they cry when they have what I need?

The rain is knocking on my window.

Is it sad because I won't let it into my room?

Should I let it into my room?

I don't want anyone other than you in my room."

Jin looked at Krystal, waiting for her to say something.

"He loved rainy days." Krystal suddenly whispered.

"He loved every single season." She continued, tears escaping her eyes, running down her cheeks.

"What was he like?" Jin finally asked.

"He" she started, stuttering.

"He had this" Krystal giggled to herself, pointing at her lips.

"He had this rectangular grin."

She placed her index fingers on the corners of her lips, pulling them upwards, widening her smile, turning it into a grin.

"Everyone thought it was weird, but I loved it. I wish I could still see it. I only see it in pictures now. That rectangular grin has the capability to fix me. He could flash me that grin at my mother's funeral and I would still crack a smile, feeling warm on the inside." Krystal smiled to herself.

"His grin wasn't contagious when it came to other people, but it was contagious when it came to me." She continued, closing her eyes, trying to imagine him grinning at her.

Krystal grinned to herself, then opened her eyes.

Jin looked at her with pity, even though he knew she hated pity.

"He had a deep voice. He was able to go from hot to adorable in a matter of seconds. He dyed his hair pink, because he thought it'd make him look intimidating. Well, a friend of his said so. I don't know who that friend is. He was insecure and shy. He was also loud." Krystal went on and on.

Jin looked at Krystal, finally having the guts to say something he'd been wanting to say since god knows when.

"I have a confession to make."

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