"You think you know the enemy plans you mean, but their real army is far below. In the Labyrinth. There in the shadows you can read the minds of any thing on the planet with a conscience!" Minos chided. 

 "Cool!" Nico shouted, than later on her learnt it really wasn't. 

~End of flashback~ 

Reyna stood face to face with Nico who stood dazed not paying attention to his surroundings.

"You ok Nico?" Reyna asked. 

"Yea just tired." Nico sighed. 

"You cupcakes get some sleep. I got first watch." Coach Hedge said.

Nico and Reyna silently agreed and rolled out their sleeping bags. As soon as Nico shut his eyes he fell asleep. To his worst dream ever. 

Nico, Reyna and Coach Hedge were standing on a taller hill that wasn't part of Camp halfblood but had an ariel view of the hill where the Greek soldiers on top of the hill had celestial bronze armour and black under garments just like in the old times. Roman's had the imperial gold armour with purple under garments. The cohorts were set up in sqaures with three hundred and fifty kids in each, meanwhile the more war experianced veterens for the Greeks, propbably the Athenian kids set up in a phalanx with the Apollo kids and the followers of Artemis were behind the lines with their bows and arrows. 

Octavian was standing in front of the Romans with three centerions Nico didn't reconize. He was standing on a chariot holding a pila. Perfoming a speech, Nico went to move forward but realise we was tied up along with Reyna and the coach. Two people were standing in front of him, they turned and he gasped they were Charles Beckendorf and Zoe Nightshade staring at the demigods with absolute disgust. 

He saw Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Piper in the front lines for the Greeks walking to meet Octavian and the three other centurions but one was dressed as a praetor which was confused Nico because the only two praetors Nico knew of was Reyna and Frank! As soon as he thought of it the three centurions were Jason, Frank and Hazel! They all glared at each other and said something, they turned around and as soon as Octavian reached the army they charged. It wasn't a sprinting charge you see in the movies but a slow paced walk, the Greeks stayed on the hill. 

He saw the Romans in the back get their pilum out and readied. They threw the pilum and Nico saw some Greeks go down and he almost puked, those were people he knew on both sides. He saw the Apollo and Artemis kids and followers drew back their bows and fired, around four hundred arrows rained down on the Romans. The fight continued till sunset, where the Romans retreated in panic mode. 

He saw Octavian sitting in a tent talking to Jason, Hazel and Frank.

"We lost the second and fourth cohort and half of the third. We have about nine hundred and fifty kids left against the Greeks. We could potentially wipe them out if he get Percy Jackson and the Apollo kids out of the way." Hazel reported. 

"I say we one v one them. Me versus Jackson, Hazel versus Piper, and Frank versus Annabeth." Jason suggested.

Octavian scowled. "What about me?" 

Frank and Jason looked at each other smiled and grinned evilly. "You get Leo Valdez personal enemy of Rome." 

The next day the eight kids lined up the Romans and Greeks forming a circle the size of a gladiator ring. 

"If you win we leave, we win. Greeks leave fair?" Octavian asked. 

"Yes." Percy said. Octavian and Leo faced off, Leo with his flaming hammer and Octavian with his gladius. Leo swung and Octavians head, but Octavian ducked and cut Leo's achilles tendon. Leo screamed in agony and Octavian stabbed down. 

"One nothing." Octavian taunted to the crying Greeks. 

Hazel and Piper came out swinging their battle dragging on till they were both dripping in sweat till Piper slipped in behind Hazel's guard and stabbed her in the neck.

"One, one." Piper mocked eyes brimmed with tears. 

Frank and Annabeth come out and it was no contest, in a fight betweens brains and strength brains will win every time. Annabeth slipped on her yankees cap and stabbed Frank in the forehead. 

"Two, one" Annabeth said. 

Jason and Percy faced off lighting and water swirling around everything. Jason stabbed at Percy but Percy blocked and cut Jason throat, 

"Three, one" Percy said. 

Octavian charged at Piper and cut her from left collar bone to right hip before she could even raise her dagger. Annabeth went to put on her yankees cap but Octavian threw a dagger and hit the hat perfectly sending it flying. Octavian had the advantage, with the sword and shield. Annabeth stabbed and it went through the shield, Octavian twisted it and kicked Annabeth away. Stabbing her in the heart. 

Percy howled in rage and devastation. He charged his anger getting the better of him, he hammered at Octavian's shield. Octavian stabbed Percy in the leg then cut his throat. 

"Victory!" Octavian and Rome shouted. 

Nico woke up suddenly."We have to go!" 


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