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My eyes widened.

"W-what?!" I stuttered.

Laxus smirked at me as if nothing happened. "Well I'm gonna go hit the hay." He said as he pulled the covers over his body and turning off the lights.

I sat there.

In the dark.

Wanting to knock Laxus the fuck out for confusing me.

After an eternity, I remembered that Mira still lay asleep on the bathroom floor. Of course he would leave me with the demon. Too tired to deal with the hassle, I simply put a soundproof rune barrier around her. 

Trudging back over to the bed, I glanced at the clock. It's one in the fucking morning and we still have a job tomorrow. I gently pull up the covers and scoot muh booty over to Laxus. Careful not to wake to sleeping giant and feel the warmth radiating off him. I turn over and I soak in the beauty of his features. 

He looks so peaceful it's hard to believe that his name causes grown men to wet themselves. I try hard to keep in my laughter contained as I sweep my gaze over to the lightning bolt shaped scar over his eye.






I want to touch it. 

I slowly slip my hand from under my head trying my best not to stimulate his dragon senses. I move my fingertips til' I'm mere inches away from his face.

"Freed you should get some sleep." My eyes grow to the size of dinner plates as he opens his eyes to stare right back at me. A cocky smirk is slapped across his face. I needed to save this situation. "I-I wasn't!" I stuttered all too quickly. "There was a spider, or something on your face so..."

He rolled his eyes. "Sure." He says playfully. I'm so glad that the lights were off, or else he would see how bad I was blushing. "Y-you could touch it if you want." 

I look for any signs of this being a joke or something, but I could tell he was all serious. I moved my hand back to where it was just moments ago.  I can't be anything but mezmerized as my finger trailed along the groove of the scar. 

"Are you happy now?" Laxus asked raising his eyebrows, causing his eyes to move, which makes my remove my finger. I give out a nervous giggle. "Y-yeah. Thanks." Wow, so lame Freed.

What I didn't expect, was for him to scoot closer to me. "Now let's try to go to sleep. Okay?" He chuckled. 

Fine by me.



I was busy starting the new GRATSU fanfiction! Thank you 

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