True Feelings

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Laxus walked me back home, though my plan had worked, it pained me to see him like this. I didn't know how much he liked her. I guess I was being selfish and stupid. Why was I just realizing this!?

I could've saved myself and Laxus from this terrible fate.

While we walked both of us said nothing, I guess we were too wrapped up in our thoughts to make them into words. Though I was hoping to clear the air with him, I could tell he didn't want to talk about it, which I could respect...for now.

"We're here." Looked up and saw my little house in front on me. I gazed over at Laxus who was staring right back at me.

"Lax- uh... thanks for everything..." I opened the door and shut it behind me. I leaned my back on the door and sunk down to the floor, crying into my knees.

I sat there for what seemed like forever, just thinking on how I could've made this easier on the both of us.

I heard a knock on the door and held my breath. I looked to my side and saw that it was dark outside my window. I must've been sitting there for hours. "F-Freed." My eyes grew wide.

"Laxus" I whispered to myself. I quickly whipped the tears from my face and opened the door.

From someone who never showed emotion, he looked like a mess. His beautiful blond hair was messy and his coat was on inside-out. Also is eyes were red and puffy like mine.

Was Laxus crying? Of course not. He is the almighty Laxus! He's as tough as they get. Seeing Laxus like that hurt me more than he could know.

I remembered that he was still in front of me and it shot me back to reality. "Oh Laxus, come in, come in!" I motioned him in and he sat in the love seat. I sat on the ottoman in front of him.

"Laxus, I'm so so-"

"I don't care Freed, I'm just sorry that Mira did that to you because of me. I can't even imagine why she would do that to my best friend! It's not like you're into me or anything."I started to blush, luckily he didn't seem to notice. Jeez how more obvious can this get for you to know that I like you Laxus! I was yelling at him in my head, but kept a fake sad smile on face.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like that, I knew you really liked her." I felt guilty and looked away from him.

Laxus sighed and walked over to me. He stood in front of me and I looked up to him. "Freed, you are more important that some mean girl."

I stood flabbergasted at his words. I was important to him! With that he walked out the door.

I feel so alive! I ran up the stairs and fell onto my bed in my room. I looked over at my desk that had a couple Laxus action figures, and chuckled when I saw the Laxus poster above them.

"What are you doing to me Laxus?" I whispered to myself as I drifted off to sleep. I locked a smile onto my face as I drifted off to sleep.









I woke up and changed back into my usual attire. What Laxus said to me yesterday was still ringing in my ears causing me to basically skip to the guild.

As I opened the door, I felt Mira's cold glare on my back, but she could suck my ass for all I care. As I made my way to the Thunder God Tribe table, I sensed a presence behind me. In a blink of an eye, I had my sword pointed at -opps! Laxus.

"Hey! Watch where you point that thing!" He pushed my sword aside and continued to walk with me, wanna go on a mission, we were supposed to go the other day, but I kinda blew you off."

He was blushing and it looked SO HOT. I rubbed the back of my neck and laughed. "It's okay, so let's get the crew and go pick a mission already!" We got Bickslow and Evergreen, then picked a mission for

killing monsters, again....

The only good thing about this easy mission was that Laxus sat next to me, I swear I had hearts for eyes. Though I kept my cool and composed self in check. When we got back to the guild I rolled my eyes, what fools.

Since Mira wasn't here today, Lisanna was behind the counter, so I ordered a turkey club. I casually strode back up the stairs and sat down to chew my food. Bickslow ran up the stairs and found him suspicious.

Don't get me wrong, he's suspicious everyday, but today...something was up. I knew something was up when he pulled up close to me. "So when you gonna tell 'em?" I nearly spit chocked on my food. "W-what?!"

I was kinda angry he would bring that up now. "Oh come'on Freed, Freedo, the Need for Freed, you gotta tell 'em!" His babies agreed "Tell him! Tell him!"

Though I was frustrated with the nicknames he gave me, he was right. I sighed. "Look I can't tell him about how much I love him. YOU know he would just reject me. I KNOW he thinks of me as only a friend, so I don't think a relationship is on the table. Now leave me alone so I can eat in peace."

But little did Freed know, a certain dragon slayer was listening to his "little" confession.

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