Chapter 1

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He was immature and I was responsible.

We were forced to spend time together since we were babies but it was a hate relationship.

We always made sarcastic remarks and rude comments to each other.

I adored Jay and the girls though, like Louis adored my parents and got along with my brothers when they were around.

Alex was the eldest and he lived not far from mum and dad with his girlfriend Victoria. Noah lived near me, working in a big law firm.

My life was…my life.

It was just the way it was.

I pulled up to the café we were meeting at, parking the car and sliding out.

I locked it, pulling off my sunglasses and heading into the café.

It was busy, people getting breakfast before work.

I couldn’t see my mum or Jay or…Louis.


cried a voice and I looked towards the doors to the outdoor deck, overlooking the river.

I spotted Jay poking her head out waving.

I smiled, making my way through the busy tables to hug Jay.

“Amelie, you look gorgeous! I haven’t seen you since you moved out!”

said Jay squeezing me tightly.

“It’s good to see you too. You look amazing,”

I said hugging her back.

I spotted my mum over her shoulder, sitting at a table reading a magazine.

We were the only people outside and I hugged my mum tightly before joining them at the table.

“Can I just ask why you both came to visit?”

I asked curiously as I sipped my Yorkshire tea.

Jay and my mum exchanged a glance.

“Everything will be explained when Louis arrives,”

said my mum patting my hand.

I looked from my hand to my mum to Jay raising my eyebrows.

“ Oh Louis!”

cooed Jay and my mum, getting up and walking to the entrance where the door had opened.

There stood Louis with a short and tall man behind him.

“Speak of the devil,”

I mumbled playing with my phone, trying to avoid any eye contact with Louis.

I watched them all curiously as my mum hugged and kissed Louis as he introduced the  tall man with him as Paul his manager and the shorter one Tony, another member of management.

I scoffed texting Ari and Ruby that I was meeting up with Louis.

They had never met him and thought I was crazy that I wasn’t falling at his feet.

They both worked with me as Interior designer for my aunt AND lived with me.

Let's say we were close.

Louis had even bought his manager?

I swear there was nothing bigger than his ego sometimes.

They all walked over and I stood up, deciding I might be polite.

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