🚴💨.  Like onily 5 minutes later

3rd person P.O.V

Wonder girl and Red beetle saw a van pull up and looked closely at it
"Scarab zooming on that truck" said Red. And they saw iceical J.r step out of a truck with a few more people "uhh.we have a problem" wonder girl whispered "who it that guy with the enormous
slimy-I mean brain coming
from his head"Red asked
" that's Simon M'ggans, rival" she said in a ready for battle tone. "Ok you warn Mrs.M I'll get Batgirl and bee" Red said
"O yeah one more thing"
"Don't ues the mind link he has telepathic powers"
"Ok" Red replied.
Beetle and wonder girl flew in to the separate handers red warned Mrs.M shut down the mind link then flew over to the 2nd one with beetle, and cassi got caught being thrown down by devastation. Ice tryed to frees her but was knocked down by red, wonder girl flew up knocking devastation off her and they both flew off to the rendezvous point and met up with Mrs.

Wonder girls P.O.V

ME AND Zoey met up with Mrs.Martian,
"There all in trouble and its all my fault!" I said
"No Cass there fine youll see" said red.

"Cassy it's ok every mission takes an unexpected turn we recover and we adapt" Mrs.Martian added I then saw saw bumblebee
"Your alive' I said shocked
"Was there really any doubt?" she asked
"Have you seen Batgirl" asked Mrs Martian
"Captured so we have to go now I'll inform you both on the way, I have a plan."
Finally action I just wanted to get through this to get to all the good parts with jamie

3rd person P.O.V

Mrs. M shape shifted to look like shimmer and knocked her out whale bee flew in to the cargo and took bat girl out of the container
"Wake up Batgirl" she said and zapped her. When she woke up bee said
"We have a plan full of ubucties and your the only one qualified to fly it to safety, haw is it ironic how you can fly a plain but your the only one on alpha who can't fly
"Yeah ironic" Batgirl replyed sarcastically.

Mrs.martian his shimmers unconscious body in a bin and shut out the solders from entering when Simon noticed who it was, they began a physic battle and he orders the others to kill her whale he stalls, then the plane propellers began moving and was about to take off. Devistation and mammoth began running to the plane Red beetle held off mammoth and wonder girl fought devastation who tore off a pice of the plane making it almost crash to the edge of the wall wonder girl grabbed devastation with her lasso and threw her off.

As the rest of alpha flew above the plane they made it out but the plane began to go down whale Wonder girl and red tryed to hold it up Mrs. M called the bio ship and they flew back to the cave.

Red beetle's P.O.V

After Nightwing congratulated me on my 1 st mission witch was apparently successful he told the others to hit the showers and pulled me aside.
"Hay how was it for you" he asked with a warm smile.
"There where some complications but we pulled through" I replyed with me armor still on but the face part was off reveling my face and hair up to my neck he wouldn't stop looking he looked at me the way Jamie looks at me, with a weard dazed expression but he was looking in to my eyes I could tell that.
'The Nightwing shows signes of affection similar to jamie reyes' Khaji Ra said, I just blushed at the scarabs words
"You look cute when you blush" he said lifting my chin making my face Mach my armor.
"I better go change" I said with a little giggle.

"Ok" he smiled at me removing his hand from my chin.
"O, one more thing" he said as I  turned around "Jamie said he need help with one of his friends... somthing about a runway" he said
'there was a slight touch of jealousy in the Nightwing's tone'
I changed and was greeted by a happy pup and tired Flash
"Hay," he said
"You want to take her for the night" I asked
"She's all yours if she wants to go"
Flash was able to take her to central for the time being.I got dressed and went to the zeda-tubes.

"Hay do you want to maby go on patrol with me tomarrow night" Nightwing asked me as I was about to head out, I would be lying if I said I wasent attracted to him I mean look at him well fit, hot, perfect abs, o and did I mention HOT.
"Yeah sure" I replyed go I went through a zeta-tube to meet Jamie...



Hello so here is part 4 sorry this one was crap but trust me the next one should be better and tell me what you want to happen with Nightwing😓😓 PLZZ dont hurt me
Jk jk I'll see you in the next hopefully not so shitty chapter where we help Jamie find the-
'you worrent subpost to inform them of this information '. Well look at what I just did

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