Chapter Twenty-Three: Eri's Camp

Start from the beginning

Shadows as well as the cacophony of forest's voices had invaded camp through the course of their meal and conversation. "We'll have to set up a watch tonight."

"Agreed." Eri conceded as she too stood.

"Why?" Had she not been shocked by Aurora's naiveté, Eri would have laughed.

"The Red Fox." Owen explained succinctly.

"The what?" Aurora'a brows knitted together.

"It's not a what, it's a who." Eri explained further.

"Oh. Then who is the Red Fox?" She looked at their faces expectantly. All answered at the same time.

"A Fallen." Lucas.

"A menace." Owen.

"A hero." Eri.

"A thief." Tezaro.

"Ooo-kay. Well, that clears things up. Thanks." The sarcasm was not wasted on Eri. Perhaps they would get along.

Lucas approached to explain. "He is the leader of the Fallen refugees, a group of displaced elves. They are secreted away within the forest as their home.

"There have been attempts to ferret them out, but the Red Fox has been clever to avoid capture and defeat his pursuers. They constantly hinder trade routes or harass travelers through this forest. He's made business for the royal elvin houses miserable from time to time."

"Therefore, thief." Tezaro interjected.

"Hero." Eri defended meanwhile Owen sat on a log to enjoy the debate. "What neither of them has explained is that the elvin kingdoms refuse to acknowledge this faction of the Fallen with their assumed connection to Mithoran led by Lord Fennaris. They fear being dragged into a costly civil war." At that Aurora became intrigued.

"Assumed? Of course they are connected to Lord Fennaris. They are just vying for power." Lucas supplied.

"There is no proof of that. They just want to survive." Eri defended her opinion doggedly.

"Oh, you know elvin politics better than I?" Lucas goaded her.

Eri exhaled slowly. "The point is they're starved and pushed out of their homes by warring factions, but no one is willing to help them. Not even their own people." Her gaze was all the accusation she needed to throw at Lucas.

"So they steal." Tezaro finished while Eri glared at him in turn. She'd had this argument before with him and had reached an impasse.

Lucas shook his head in disbelief, looking at Eri. "You are a supporter of the Red Fox?"

She paused. "Not quite. But I can see the harshness and unfairness of their situation. Accepted nowhere and trusted by none. Not even wanted. I cannot imagine such a life." Eri sighed. It was difficult not to sympathize with them.

"So this is why we need to set up a watch?"

"Yes. The Red Fox has made it quite obvious the Murmurwoods is his domain. Unfortunately, your elf friend seemed to have forgotten this bit of information." Tezaro pointed with his chin at Lucas with disgust.

Lucas's eyes narrowed. "She was safe with me last night, remember? When we were alone?" He'd made his point and turned.

Tezaro's mouth was a grim line. If no one noticed the unspoken tension between the elf and Tezaro, Eri certainly did. There was something else Tezaro wasn't sharing. She'd have to test out her theory later.

"I'll take the first watch. Owen, Eri, as always." Tezaro nodded at each in turn and they understood their instructions without further detail.

Lucas came between Tezaro and Owen's line of sight. "You're forgetting about me."

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