Chapter 1: Groggy...

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    Light streams through your window. You groan and pull the covers over your head. I need coffee!!! I can't face the world right noooowwwww.... You slide out of bed and stagger over to your closet and open it. You pick a Venturiantale shirt with Papa Achachalla on it and a pair of jeans. You then pull on your sneakers, they are (F/C).
     You slither to the bathroom and do your makeup and hair the best you can. You at least look presentable. Your apartment door creaks as you open it and slip into the hall. I can just walk to the Café... Thank god!! Or I would crash my car in an instant.

    The Café isn't too far, just a couple of blocks. When you reach it, your feet feel like ten ton bricks and you can barely keep your eyes open. The barista  looks at you with uncertainty.

"Are you drunk?" She asks me with a solemn look on her face.

"Wha-no! I just need coffee! I can barely keep my eyes open! Just a Carmel Macchiato please!" You practically shout.

"Right...on it."

    You decide to sit at the corner table and check your social media while you wait. As you sit, a super hot guy walks in and walks up to the barista. You notice him but don't realize who he is because of your groggyness.

"I'll be with you in a minute,hon, I have to give this to her." The barista tells him. He nods and smiles as she brings you the coffee. You look at the guy, he seems familiar.

    The guy orders and then walks up to you at your table and sits across from you.



He stares at you for a moment and then sees your shirt.

"I see your wearing Venturiantale merch." He says with a smile.

" yep! You watch?"

"Yes...I do... Because I am him..." He answers as if it's obvious.

You're confused when he says this, you stare at him for half a second and then gasp.

"No way!! You're actually him?! I-I can't believe it!!" You stutter stupidly, because you didn't notice him the first time. You mentally facepalm.

"Yep, I'm a bit surprised you didn't notice who I was at first."

"Uh yeah... I was really groggy... The coffee just kicked in." You add.

He chuckles.

Hope you've enjoyed it so far!! I would love feedback if at all possible!! Chapter 2 should be out soon!!

Papa Achachalla loves u!! BYEEEEE!! :3 TIGER OUT! ✌

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