Chapter 7 *Mayes_Vs_Universe*

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~Chapter 7~


"I'll see you at school Monday yeah?" I say as I get up from Joseph's bed.

"You most definitely will." He says, kissing me gently on the lips.

I smile before leaving the house. I don't want anyone knowing that I'm gay and I don't want to be gay but there is no way that I can ignore the feelings I get when he touches me. Or the feelings when he kisses me. When I kiss girls I feel absolutely nothing. I may as well be kissing a brick wall. Heck, I may even feel more pleasure when I kiss a brick wall.

But when I kiss Joseph it feels as though there's an electrical current running through us. And that is a feeling that I can't ignore. No matter how much I want to.

When I get home the smell of freshly baked bread hits my nose. I breathe in deeply and walk into the kitchen where mum is in a pink flower apron cleaning the oven.

"That smells delicious." I say to her as she stands up and closes the oven.

"Thank you Gabe, I cooked it for Church Sunday so don't go eating any of it just yet." She says.

"Yes, Ma'am." I say as I grab my bag and make my way upstairs.

I pass my little brothers room and see Oscar playing on the ground with a dinosaur and an action figure of iron man.

When I get to my room I dump my bag in the room and pull out my homework. I put my headphones in with music and silently do my homework.

What seems like moments later Oscar is shaking my leg and telling me the best that he can at 3 years old that tea is ready.

I pick him up and take him with me into the kitchen. I set him down at his seat and take mine next to him. Grandma and Grandpa take the seats opposite us and my mother and father take the ends of the tables.

Without a word we all take hands and bow our heads. My father says grace and then we're eating the food in front of us.

People often tell me how close our family is and how lucky I am to have them because the love that's in our family is just amazing. But tell me, if the love is really as amazing as they seem to see then why am I so scared to tell them the truth about me?

I knew I was gay before I even knew how to ride a bike but I've never been able to tell my parents. Something in me knew that the love they had for me couldn't over look that. I've heard them talking about gay people before and how they are no longer even human, instead they're nothing more than demons from hell.

Once I'm finished I ask to be excused and get into the shower to wash the feeling of Josephs hands off of me. I feel that every time my father looks at me with his bright blue eyes that he can see everything I've done with another man.

I scrub and clean myself until I'm practically bleeding. Only then do I feel as clean as I can be.

After I'm out of the shower I ignore all the messages from Joseph and climb into my bed.


There's an explosion in the distance. Mud is mixed with blood as it rains down from the sky.

Someone is screaming at me to keep moving, somewhere there's a baby crying but no matter how much I run it's always in my ear. There's civilians running through the town in haste.

Some are missing legs, others arms and a very unlucky percentage are missing parts of their heads. I can't help it, I throw up. The heat of the land is making the smell 100 times worse than it should be.

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