Chapter 10 - _SimplyInnocent_

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*Chapter 10*


I look up at the bright lights that illuminate the cinema in front of me. After my disappointing fail at checking to see if my plan had worked, I decided a movie was the best way of distracting me from my thoughts. There was a late-night movie showing called 'Back from Hell'. It grabbed my attention instantly so on instinct I bought it without looking at the other movies.

While I was juggling my mix of popcorn, maltesers and m&m's, I noticed an angry figure in the corner of my eye. They looked familiar so I decided to follow them. I waited for him to come out of the bathrooms and when he did it was Jessie. He walked over to a wall and punched it, leaving a fist-sized dint in the wall. Why was he so angry? He seemed more like the cool-headed type.

"Jessie." I walk behind him and he jumps, spinning around instantly at the sound of his name.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, running a hand through his hair.

"Why are you so angry?" I ask, brow raised.

"I don't have time to explain and even if I did, I couldn't tell you." He looks at the food in my hands. "What movie are you watching?"

"Back from hell. What movie are you watching?"

"Fallen Angels." He looks around him and moves closer to me, his voice now just a whisper. "You should watch it, there are so many questions that will be answered."

Is he trying to hit on me? "I think I'll stick with my movie, thanks. I'll let you know if I want to hear the ending of 'Fallen Angels'" When he noticed I was mocking him he scowled and turned around, walking back to the cinema he came out of. What's gotten him so worked up?

I think nothing of it and walk back to cinema 3 to watch 'Back from Hell'.

I walk out of the cinema and take a deep breath, that movie was intense. I throw the leftover popcorn into the bin and walk to my car, letting the cool breeze engulf me. I notice two figures in the corner of me eye arguing near a car. It seems pretty heated so I quickly jump into my car and drive home.

Once I get inside I throw my keys onto the bench and drag myself up the stairs to my room, sometimes I hate having my room on the second story. I stare at my mirror, looking into my ruby red eyes, taking in the intensity and mystery of them. Why are my eyes red? How come no one has ever mentioned them?

I stare at them, deep in thought, trying to work out what's wrong with me. An overwhelming feeling washes over me and I try to grab onto my desk to steady me but I hit the ground with a thud.

I look around the darkness that surrounds me. How did I get here? It's like every time I look into my eyes I am teleported into a dream. Well, I think it's a dream. I wiggle my toes in the soft sand beneath me, the feeling making me feel free.

My mind is soothed by the sound of waves crashing. I look up again and notice the moon's reflection shining off the waves. A full moon.

"What are you doing out here? You know William will beat you if he finds you out so late." A familiar voice that I just can't put my finger on calls out to me.

"I know that, Wesley. I just need some time to myself. I need to get away from the farm for a moment, the ocean makes me feel so free. I'm beginning to have doubts about my wife's commitment to our marriage." I looked out to the ocean the whole time, only looking at this guy Wesley when I mentioned his wife. Well no duh, we caught her cheating you idiot. Wait, this is before he caught his wife.

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