Chapter Six *_SimplyInnocent_*

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  ~ Chapter Six~ _SimplyInnocent_

I stayed awake all night trying to think of a way to get back at gay. I wonder if he's actually gay. I mean, he does seem to only look at guys, I've never seen a girl with him. Now that I think about it he even looks a little gay. If this is something about him that I can use against him, this is going to be sweet, sweet revenge.

"Mr Argon, how are you today?" I look to the secretary at our school and smile. 

"I am fine thank you. Would I be able to talk to the principal?" I flash her another smile but when our eyes meet I notice something different. It's like I can see straight into her soul. She's worried about how her dog is coping at home and if she fed it this morning or not.

She doesn't say anything, her face emotionless, her eyes empty. What is happening?

I have to get out of here. I turn to leave but her voice stops me.

"Mr Argon, how are you today?"

My body freezes. I turn back to her again, trying for a second time to hold a conversation.

"I am fine thank you, Would I be able to see the principal?" I ask again. She looks into my eyes and once again I am drawn into her thoughts. She feels guilty about not feeding the dog. Guess she didn't feed it after all. I wait for her to reply but there is nothing, just her empty stare. Oh, come on.

I turn to leave for a second time when I hear it again.

"Mr Argon, how are you today?" 

I can't take this. I slam my hand on the desk, causing her to stare straight into my eyes. She is scared of me, she is wondering what she's done wrong. The only thought running through my mind right now is for her to leave.

I concentrate on the thought of her leaving. She turns around and walks straight out of the room.

"What the hell?" I scratch the back of my head wondering where she went.

She was frozen, but when I thought hard about her leaving she did? My head starts spinning so I take a seat.

"Mr Argon, how are you today?" she asks.

I feel the anger build up as I jump up out of the seat, stalking towards her.

"Shut up! Why do you keep asking me that?" I scream, slamming my hand on the desk again. She jumps back, avoiding eye contact.

"I'm sorry Mr Argon, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." she speaks softly, trying hard to not look at me.

"Fine." I growl. 

Walking down the hallway I see everyone's heads turn towards me. I don't care though. I'm too angry to care.

"Hey Blaze how are yo-" Sarah didn't get to finish the sentence before looking into my eyes. She feels guilty about cheating on her boyfriend last night.

She keeps staring into my eyes, her face emotionless. Why does this keep happening?

Tell Derek that you're cheating on him. 

She turns and walks down the hallway. I follow closely behind her. I can see Derek ahead of us. Sarah doesn't seem phased. She takes hold of his hand and drags him outside where nobody can hear them. Except for me.

"Derek. I need to tell you something." She says, letting go of his hand.

"What is it?" He asks, concerned.

"I slept with Aaron last night." Derek's face drops. 

"You what?!" He yells. 

Sarah blinks, like she's waking up from a trance and stares at him in shock.

"Babe, why are you yelling at me?" she tries to calm him down but he storms off, slamming the doors open as he makes his way over to where Aaron stands. He picks Aaron up by his collar and slams him against the lockers.

"You slept with my girlfriend!" 

I decide to leave before this gets too heated and a teacher comes. I walk away with a smirk on my face. Oh, I could have fun with this.

The drive home was peaceful, the smirk still on my face. I don't know what is happening to me or why I have so much power, but I like it.

Placing my keys on the bench I go to the cupboard to finally change the light bulbs in the house.

I stand on a chair so I can reach the light in the bathroom. It's when I place the old bulb on the sink when I see my eyes again. They are still the same colour but they seem to have so much more life to them.

I screw the new bulb into place, but just before I let go of it I feel faint. The last thing I see before I hit the ground is my red eyes staring at me in the mirror.

Looking to my side I see a familiar face. My loving wife lays beside me sleeping peacefully. I place my hand to her face, stroking her cheek with my fingers. I know she likes that. I know a lot about her, I don't know how but I know everything about myself, but this is not me. 

"Blaze, why are you up so early?"  She knows my name?

I notice her eyes are now open and she's staring up at me. She sits up in the bed, my hand falling from her cheek.

"I'm going to go for a walk, you stay here Alexia." I smile, getting out of bed and walking out of the room. How do I know her name? Where am I?

As I walk out of the room I am greeted by two small boys, twins most likely.

"Daddy!" They both yell, racing up to me, hugging me tightly. I hug them back because I don't know what else to do.

"Can we go outside and look at the sunset?" Ethan asks, his big blue eyes looking up at me.

"Of course." I smile, walking out the door with them following.

"It's beautiful." Isaac says in awe, staring at the sunset. I look over to Ethan and see the same expression on his face. I laugh because of how much they love the sunset.

Ethan stands up and races towards the house again so I follow, Isaac following closely behind me.

I tuck the boys into bed and walk back to the bedroom again, my face dropping at what I see.

"Alexia?!" I cry, dropping to my knees at the sight of her lifeless body on the bed. I feel the love he had for her and all of the anger rushing through his body. I also notice the large gun beside the bed. What happened here?

I hear two sets of footsteps behind me and before I can stop them the boys walked into the room, screaming at the sight of their mother's lifeless body on the bed and the blood on their father's hands. When did the blood get there?

I look at the mirror and see the blood on my clothes and hands. What did he do?

When I look back to the boys their eyes have changed to red.

"Make the choice again, daddy. Leave us like you did last time. Make the choice!" 

I wake up on the cold, hard bathroom floor. My whole body is shaking from what I'd just seen. What did I just see? What the hell is happening to me?

I race to the switch and turn it on, the whole room lighting up from the new globe. I take deep breaths to calm down. This is what Gay has done to me. I can't let him get away with this. I don't know what he did but he is going to fix it.

Not knowing where else to go I drive to get pizza. I order a BBQ Chicken and sit down to wait for it. That's when I see Gay and the pizza guy walking past. Holding hands. I quickly take a photo and save it. Maybe now he'll be more willing to listen.

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