Chapter Eight *_SimplyInnocent_*

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~Chapter Eight~ 


Taking slow steps, I stay hidden in the shadows as I watch the streets, looking for my target. The breeze from the alleyway flows over me out onto the almost empty streets. There is an inner voice of doubts trying to talk me out of what I'm about to do.

What if it doesn't work? You've only had this skill for a couple of days. You have no idea what will happen.

"Shut up!" I whisper-yell to the air, quickly checking if anyone heard me.

"Hey, are you okay?" My body freezes at the sound of a voice. I try to turn around but my body refuses to move so I just stand there with my back to them. They tap my shoulder, making me finally spin around.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply, remembering what he asked me. I look at his uniform, he's from the hardware store. Perfect.

I look straight into his eyes, trying to find something useful about him but failing so I just have to go with what is given to me. He's guilty because he had left his daughter home alone. Lucky for him this won't take too long.

I place my hand on his shoulder, reading his name tag with a smile, "Now Darren, there's just one little thing I need you to do before I let you get home to your daughter."


I walk through my front door with Darren following in my footsteps, dragging his large toolbox behind him. I turn to him and stare into his eyes. The first thing you're going to do for me is change all of the lightbulbs in this house.

Within ten minutes the whole house fills with light. I walk to the kitchen to find him sitting on a stool with a blank expression on his face. I wave a hand in front of his face. No reaction. I look into his eyes again to give him the next instruction. Every time I look into those hazel eyes I see the grief he feels for abandoning his only daughter, a small child. I sigh, rubbing my temples and making sure I don't break eye contact. Go to your daughter, forget about me.

He turns away and picks up his toolbox, dragging it out the door behind him. I guess I'll just fix the house myself. I walk into the lounge room and look up at the large cracks in the ceiling. There is no way in hell that I'm doing this tonight.

I take a shower while I decide what to do, the hot water relaxing my muscles. Gay crosses my mind and I remember the last time I saw him, he was holding hands with that pizza guy. Are they a thing? I think about the idea of two guys together and I'm not disgusted, but it doesn't feel right either. I can't wait to get my sweet revenge.

Wrapping a towel around my torso, I stare at the foggy mirror. I start to feel faint but I reach my hand towards the mirror anyway. I swipe my palm against the cold, wet mirror. The last thing I see before my body hits the floor is my glowing red eyes.


I open my eyes to see my two sons by my side standing next to the bed. Their bright blue eyes stare up at me as I ruffle their hair. I could hardly tell the two of them apart, the only feature that's different is that Ethan has slightly lighter brown hair than Isaac.

"Take us for a walk down the street, daddy. We want to see the market!" Ethan yells excitedly, jumping up and down. Isaac soon joins him, the both of them tugging on my arm trying to get me off the bed.

I look to my side to Alexia who simply nods her head, "I had some housework I had to do anyway. Don't let them spend too much." She kisses my cheek before giving me a shove off the bed, making me laugh.

"I'll see you soon." I smile, grabbing the boys' hands and walking out of the room. She nods in reply and I can't help but to see the guilty look on her face when I leave. Why would she feel guilty? Did she do something wrong?

"Daddy I want that one!" Ethan yells, pointing at a small wooden toy. It had been carved into the shape of a Wolf. I have zero experience with kids and have no idea what I would do in this situation but this guy seems to have a lot of experience with his kids and knows exactly what to do.

"Here you go, kid. I'll buy this toy for you." I smile, then turn to Isaac, "Go choose something you would like to have."

He smiles happily and runs over to where Ethan had picked out his toy. He gasps as he spots a wooden toy that's been carved into the shape of a Crow. He then quickly runs over to me proudly, crow in his hand. "Can I have this one daddy?"

"Of course." I smile, taking it from his small hands. I quickly pay for them and walk back to my boys, placing their toys in their hands. "Let's go watch the sunset."

Ethan squeals with excitement as he races off down the road towards the house, Isaac following closely behind. Whoever I am was a lucky man. Two cute kids with a great love of the world, and a beautiful wife. How could it have all gone wrong?

I sit down on the soft grass between Ethan and Isaac. Their mouths are open wide as they stare up at the sky, gripping tightly onto their new toys. I stare up with them, the sky suddenly turning a deep red, almost the colour of my eyes. I look at each of the boys, their eyes turning the same colour as they stare blankly into the distance. Why does this keep happening?

A loud bang coming from inside the house causes me to jump. I quickly stand up and turn towards the house. There are a couple of shadows walking around inside and my curiosity gets the best of me. I look back to the boys and they are still in the same position, not moving at all, hardly even breathing.

I storm into the house, running to the bedroom only to see a sight that would haunt me forever. Alexia scrambles to cover herself with the blanket as the man beside her dives under the covers. I don't know how I know his name, but something about him feels familiar.



I wake in a sweat, the towel hanging loosely off my hips. I scramble to get to my feet again, avoiding the mirror. Why is this happening to me? I walk into the kitchen and notice that the clock now reads 9:30. I walk over to the curtain and threw them open. The bright sun burns my eyes so I quickly cover them with my arm. Okay, so it's nine thirty in the morning, not night.

I jump into my car and just start driving. I don't know where I'm going but I need to get out of the house. As I drive past the church I see a crowd of people begin to walk through the doors. Through the crowd I manage to spot Gay and that pizza guy. They're not holding hands this time but they keep exchanging looks.

I park the car nearby and follow the crowd towards the church doors. In the corner of my eye I see Gay's friend Jessie that hangs around with him sometimes. He looks like he's searching for something, or someone. There's this weird feeling inside of me that tells me he's someone I should trust but I hardly know the guy so I brush it off. Turning back to the church again I spot Gay and the pizza guy.

Just as I nearly reach Gay he disappears through the crowd, but I manage to grab pizza guy by the arm and drag him to the side of the building with me.

"What are you doi-" I force him against the wall and stare straight into his eyes, his whole body going stiff. An overwhelming sense of guilt flows through me. He feels guilty because he hasn't told Gay the truth about him, there's a secret that he has kept from him for a very long time. I can't work out what it is, but it's big.

Tell Gay that you don't love him. I let go of his arm and he walks straight into the church without a word. Oh, I can't wait to see the look on Gay's face when the pizza guy tells him. I follow the few people that hadn't entered the church yet, the excitement building up with every step.

My body stops. It's like I can't move any further ahead. I look beside me at the people moving through the doors into the church. Why can't I walk any further? I use all of my effort to push forward through the invisible force that is holding me back but it doesn't work. This is the furthest I can go. Jessie looks concerned as he walks past me but doesn't say a word.

What the hell is happening to me?

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