Jin wanted to know how they met. He wanted to know how Taehyung died, but decided not to ask.

He wished she had mentioned them in the letters instead of just remembered them.

"Do you want to know?" Krystal whispered and Jin, taken aback by surprise, nodded.

Krystal was getting a brand new haircut when her phone rang. She beamed at the Caller ID and gladly answered the call.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"Not home!" She giggled.

"You promised you'd come over today." Taehyung hissed into the phone.

Krystal had forgotten about their plans. Her hand flew to her forehead.

"Can you pick me up from my house in-?" She paused and looked at the hairdresser.

The hairdresser whispered: "I'll be done in less than five minutes."

"25 minutes?" Krystal finished her question, calculating how much time she needed to get home and get ready.

Taehyung agreed and hung up. Krystal got off the chair and ran her hands through her hair, grinning at the haircut.

She thought Taehyung would like it.

She went back home and got ready. She ran out the door as soon as Taehyung rang the doorbell.

She opened it, flaunting her hair.

"Take it off." He demanded, receiving a puzzled look from Krystal.

"The wig. Take it off." He hissed.

"It's not a wig." Krystal whispered.

"Jesus Christ, Krystal. Are you kidding me?" He screamed, banging his fist against the doorframe.

"Do you not like it?"  She asked, flinching.

"I love it." He lied, gritting his teeth and walked back to the car.

Krystal knew he was lying and she felt insecure about her new haircut. For a millisecond, she didn't feel like meeting his parents anymore.

The ride to his house was silent.

Taehyung opened the door, letting Krystal walk in first.

"Krystal, I suppose?" Taehyung's mother asked, smiling.

Krystal and Taehyung nodded in unison.

The mother waved her hands over her hair, questioning it.

"Tae always described your hair as extremely
long and healthy." She smiled, hugging her.

"I got a haircut earlier today." Krystal murmured.

"It still looks healthy, but also very short." Taehyung's mother laughed, embarrassing Krystal.

Krystal shook Taehyung's father's hand and they all sat down.

"I believe we don't need to ask you questions since Taehyung already told us enough about you." Taehyung's father broke the ice.

His parents always loved her. They treated her as the daughter they never had. They always threw hints about how one day she'd be their daughter-in-law.

Jin smiled at the story and gestured her to read the letter.

"It was a pretty nice day despite your confusing rage over my haircut.

I can't help but laugh every single time I remember that day.

I miss your parents.

Although, I can see them.

When can I see you, Tae?"

Jin stared at Krystal, wondering if they'd reunite soon.

He had hoped Krystal would meet someone else and get rid of the pain she was going through. He envied Taehyung for being loved so much.

He wanted what he had, except he didn't want to be in his current state.

He was thankful he was alive, but all he needed was for a girl to love him as much as Krystal loved Taehyung.

He doubted anyone had ever loved someone so much. He was glad he could witness such true love.

The only common question they had in mind was:

When will Krystal see Taehyung?

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