The Lady of Dreams

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Every day she would accept so many broken souls,

So many children with bloodied lips,

So many teenagers with dripping wrists,

So many adults with bruised necks.

So many

So many

They cried in her arms.

Sobbed against her for so long,

Never believing that someone was finally accepting of them,

Never believing that they were safe for even a moment.

They're coming back,

Some whimpered.

I don't want to bother you,

Others cried.

It's pointless,

Every soul echoed.

Can you make it stop?

They begged her.



The world hurts so much,

I don't want to stay.

And it tore her heart every time,

As she looked into their beautiful eyes and whispered


I can't.

I can only offer a moment,

A moment of peace away from the pain.

And it tore her heart so much,

when they wept more because of it.

Each soul rested in her arms,

Craving peace,

If only for a moment.

And she whispered to them;

I'm sorry the world isn't good,

You are enough as you are,

You mean so much to those that know you,

You've made the world brighter,

Please just stay there a little longer,

Soon it will be okay,

Soon it will all be okay.

But they rarely believed her.

Even though she cared so much,

So much.

And as they returned to their bodies,

their peace was replaced with fear,

with anxiety,

with hopelessness,

with self hatred,

with depression.

And she sobbed for the peace they once held,

If only for a moment.

But still she tried,

She tried so much,

To keep giving them just a second,

Just a minute,

Just a tiny moment,

Of peace.

Even if it was forgotten

As soon as they woke up.

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