Take it Away

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She screamed,

water pouring down her face

as she felt the rise of desperation deep inside her.


She screamed,

her fists clenched

as she shook from the cold.


She screamed,

She screamed .

Her insides felt as though her world was collapsing

and her mind strained against the defeat

but she couldn't do anything.

Her back rested on the wall

Her hair hung limp and wet

And her eyes closed.

Her helpless tears mixed with the rain,

but still all she could say

was 'take it away',

as if that would make the bad disappear,

as if that would make the destruction stop,

as if that would make her finally able to step forward.

But it didn't.

And her hoarse voice couldn't scream anymore,

and her weak legs couldn't hold her up.

But still her tears leaked from her eyes,

and her throat burned with the sobs not voiced,

but all she could do was wish.

Wish desperately that someone,

someone would take it away.

Make it better.

Make it okay.

But no one did.

And she curled into a ball

and cried

as the rain poured around her.

Because that was all she could do.

She couldn't fix anything.

She couldn't set it all right.

All she could do

was curl up on the floor

and sob.

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