I Am Still Here

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I am still here,

surrounded by the madness,

engorged by the darkness,

but still I stand.

My body has been stitched,

torn apart,

yet put together.

All these little pieces of me

still stay in their places.

I wonder if they hear me sometimes,

In the place they dare not go.

Because sometimes I giggle,

sometimes I sob,

sometimes I scream,

and sometimes I join with the others

and we make the darkness bellow and twitch.

When they happen to get to close,

our hands become bloody,

and our mouths fill with gore,

and we become full,

full of the darkness

and the madness.

But still I wonder,

can they hear me?

Can they hear the little girl

that they left behind?

Can they hear the daughter

who was covered by darkness?

Can they hear the screams and the laughs and the chewing

of the one they sacrificed?

The one they once sent out with prayers and hopes,

who became the one that they feared most of all?

I wonder,

can they hear me?

Because I am still hungry,

I am still together,

and I am still here.





So why don't they walk a little closer?

Why don't they join me in the darkness,

in the madness?


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