||7|| Her Confusion

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" Were beautiful .. "


The chilly air seem to love annoying me because no matter how much I tossed and turned. Slumber didn't come over me. The silken sheets were across my breast and still sleep was out of the question. Also I'm very hungry. My stomach agreed because not a second longer it growled loudly. I sighed as I threw the sheets off.

I scurried off to the bathroom with puppy hot on my trail. He was always possessive of me.
I shimmied out of my wrinkled clothes and stepped in the warm water. It felt glorious. It's been years since I've actually taken a decent bath. I scrubbed the dirt off every part of my body and I also did puppy's. He always loved being pampered and showered with affection.I hate the fact that dog owners shower their dogs once a week, to me it was disturbing. I always wash puppy every other day to keep him clean and refreshed. I can't blame them though they had no time and I had lots.

The warm water seemed to fogged every glass in the bathroom because I couldn't see reflection on the mirror. I glide my fingers on the evaporated liquid on the mirror and watch my reflection stare back at me.

My face was more structured and contoured with high cheekbones, with a circular face. My lip plump and healthy on a stiffened pout. My Eyebrows practically non-existent with the color of my pale snow-shined hair. My nose stood tall and slender. My eyes still dull and aching. My shoulders sleek and squared with my posture as i marveled at my appearance.

We're beautiful Pops.

Teddy's voice echoes to the very vein of my being.I felt a trickle of tears run down my rosy cheeks as I wipe them with the back of my fingers. Have you ever thought of trying so hard to be someone else and end up forgetting yourself? That's what I'm feeling. No longer was I a child. I was forced to grow up. Too early for that matter.

No longer pitying myself- I shook off the glum and gloomy and set a clear conscience. I walked out of the steamy bath and throughly looked at the room I was stationed in. It was a homey decor. Adorned with soft pastels and creamy whites. The bed was a marvelous thing to be exact. I loved it the most for it supported my back. My old was was rubbish. Across from the bed was a huge window.

It was big. It touched the ceiling all the way down to the couch. Would I call it couch? Or something else? It was perfect for a hot tea close to midnight when showers occur. Many pillows propped on the cream color of its linens. Noticing the floor it was soft and feathery. A carpet maybe? Oh well. I put on my previous undergarments and a simple white long sleeve with a black spandex accompanied with socks and Nike sandals. I mean what else was there really to wear?

I was in my mates room with his smallest clothes I could find with his over sized sandals. It was funny putting those clothes really. But they're very comfy. I followed my senses and looked for the nearest food I could smell. It was leading me downstairs. I marveled at the arts and portraits displayed through the my journey. They were kind of hard to ignore, they scream royalty and class and here I was with Nike sandals and eye bags.

For sure, my mate is here with a whole bunch of other shifters surrounded with food. It's either die with starvation or die in the hands of thousands of swarming curious eyes. Would they be judgement am? Are they dressed in formal attire? This whole castles an aesthetic wonderland. I lift my shaking palm and let it push the creaky doors. Yep everything hates me today.

Chin high, straighten your spine and walk a straight line Pops. Eyes on the prize.

With Teddys assuring words, I breathe in the most I could and opened my eyes to be greeted with a whole sea of people. I cocked my head to the right out of curiosity. I don't know why but I got really uncomfortable with the males staring at me with that extent of a facial expression. I bit my lip out of frustration.

I flinched at the sound of a chair screeching on the floor. A looming figure resides at the very base of the food chain, as his doey eyes pierce through mine. Quite a sight to see.


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