||2|| His Salvation

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It's bad enough my pack is the worlds most deadliest one but to piss of the alpha? You must have a death wish.

- Rome Livonian


I blinked another restless night. I looked to the side of my bed only to find it cold and Uninviting. My black silken sheets did wonders to help me sleep but a body of my woman would've been better. My woman. The one who was made for me. The one who would fit my puzzle. The one who would end my lonely walks.

Some nights I would've just claimed a random she-wolf just to end it. To my dismay, I know my wolf wouldn't have allowed it. He lived for his mate and to find one whose not was not of his concern. I agree with him but I'm just tired of waiting. 457 years of waiting took a toll on me and I'm just tired really.

I glanced at the window too see the green forest and those damn birds.

I hate those goddam birds.

You know you could kill them right? my wolf Rex countered.

" Yea but the ecosystem needs them or some shit. A part of a cycle or whatever the humans care to believe "

why do we care?

" We don't. " Ending our conversation as I got up towards the shower. Letting the cold water hit my exhausting body. Whatever was in my mind drifted away down the drain with all the cares I give. To many thoughts and prayers for my Other half to finally appear before me.

I got out with a towel wrapped around my nether regions and proceeded to my closet. A walk in closet to be precise I had enough clothes to cover one side but the other just stands there empty, a bit dusty but none the less empty. I mean I could've filled it up but I guess I never really cared enough because of my duties as an alpha was kind of in a way of me caring how I dressed, my looks were enough. I shrugged as I put on some grey sweats and t-shirt and walked out my house. A few of the men walked past me with a bow as I nod to them.

If you're an alpha doesn't matter who they are, they bow you and if they don't? Well i plain humiliate them. If I was to be disrespected in front of my pack then God knows what I will do to you. It's bad enough my pack is the worlds most deadliest one but to piss of the alpha? You must have a death wish.

I walked straight to my office. Not caring of my grubbing stomach and the headache forming . I dreaded my way to the stairs towards the top floor of pack house. As I enter the door in another level I was joined by my Beta. He bows and catches up to me as I practically ran up another flight of stairs. I don't like to waste time. Business is always circulating and you never want to miss it.

" Alpha, there's a problem with the Cresentmoon pack. "

" Proceed "

" The rogues have attacked several times and Alpha Jason needs our help to support them. The rogues must have guts to attack one of our allies "

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