||6|| Their Journey

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" Raping and torture is complicated yet so simple, that no matter why we question it. The answer was simple;
it's because they wanted to "

- Poppy Evergreen


Poppy's Pov

The air was thick and misty as Rome strolled eagerly to his car with his hand on my back as puppy obediently followed. It was pretty funny watching 5 men trying to hold puppy down, even more hilarious to know that they were werewolves trying to hold a mundane dog. The pack that we were currently in were surprisingly quiet with our presence. It's either I was famous or Rome was a high ranking Alpha.

The dinner was okay, I didn't talk much but i felt Rome shift into different person. He didn't show anything else but a strong strict facade. I didn't question it because I was doing the same thing. I didn't want anyone approaching us in all honesty, we were not here to fuck around. Not only that, I was only covered with a thin t-shirts. I think that's why Rome was moody, half the men on our table was gawking on my legs. There's nothing special about them. Their just freaking legs, I swear if I showed them my shoulders I'm pretty sure they'll think I'm tempting them. Idiots.

Back to the present, Rome was driving out of Cresentmoon's territory as I was sprawled on the front seat with puppy on legs. Everything was green really. Just a bunch of trees everywhere. I glanced over to Rome. He looked ravishing. He's skin tight t-shirt was not good to my nerves as I fidget uncomfortably on my seat.

Hmm dreamy as fuck

I rolled my eyes at her comment. As I smooth out the tangles of puppy's platinum fur, I ventured to the other part of my mind that I was trying to avoid. Never in my 18 year of life have I ever experienced that moment. Maybe it was a past life tragedy? Or maybe I just had a very vivid dream. Scratch that a nightmare. A very vivid nightmare.

" So poppy, what were you doing in their territory? " he glanced at my direction for a couple of seconds before turning back to the road. " Before saying you were just trying to catch your dog, I might add that apart from crescents territory, there's no other pack out there. "

" hmmm " a uninterested hum escaped my lips.

" Well, you're going to start talking when we get back to our pack. Id apologize if I was sorry to know about you more but I'm not. If you're hiding something from me please just let me know now before I hear it from someone else "


" I see, we'll talk about this later on but I'll inform you now. My pack is not equipped with the standard of modern qualifications. Women aren't treated the same way, I enforced it because frankly i was bitter.I'm the so called king of the alpha's because I rule them. Does it count to be one after killing the previous one? I don't know but without one chaos ensues and we don't want that. "

I looked at him with amused eyes " But you don't have royal blood don't you? The royals died a long time ago "

" I know, I killed them " His face turned rigid and a dangerous aura was suddenly transmitted " They were taking advantage of their power. Went on a killing spree just so. Took women and made them their personal fuck toys and so on and so forth. All of them were corrupt and vile and I don't regret ripping their necks from their bodies "

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