The conversation went as could be expected for the situation—and by "conversation", she meant shouts of concern and anger about the Decepticons and why NEST's detectors hadn't worked. Of course, no amount of explanation about how Soundwave—who was on the same level of genius as Blaster and Wheeljack—could have designed a way to avoid the Energon detectors would appease them. Only action would soothe their wounded prides and fearful hearts.

Prime had no qualms with agreeing to send all their Autobots to each of the fifteen countries that had spotted Decepticons and also—coincidently—had major NEST bases. Some teams would consist of two, others three, allowing their thirty-two Autobots on duty to be sent out. That, thankfully, managed to relieve some of the leaders and they were able to leave without too much grievance. Of course, the same could not be said for the D.C. base, whom shared rounds of sighs and brow-pinching as their situation became worse than it ever had been before. For the General it was the fact he would have to deal with the National Security and Secretary of Defense; for the Commander it was getting human troops together; for Prime it was getting the Autobots together and trying to figure out the Decepticon's plans; and for Catherine it was keeping relations good with each country and the small mission she had been given.

If one did the numbers and looked at the roster of Autobots on the list, it didn't quite add up. Three were missing, and for good reason. Unfortunately, said three Autobots were needed despite their violent, uncontrollable nature and general lack of cooperation with anyone. To make things worse—for Catherine, anyways—was that she was the only one available to go and retrieve said Autobots. Granted, it was technically part of her duty to delegate with the relocation of Autobots, but these were three she had heard a great deal of bad news about, and she wasn't sure they would do any good at all. Still, they needed the help, so she would go. If there was any good news, it was the fact Springer, Sideswipe, and Air Raid would be going with her, and for a reunion with a teammate she hadn't seen in a long time.

They left as soon as possible with only Catherine, the three Autobots, and authorization papers needed to confirm the transfer. The teleportation was short, and the dark, stark walls around them were replaced with a bright, cloudless blue sky and the hot sun bearing down overhead. The air was humid when Catherine exited her Seeker's cockpit, but it was bearable. Her Cybertronian companions, of course, had no issues with the Florida weather, and so casually strolled towards the launch area where a large, nearly-complete ship was held in place by strong, iron bonds, and humans in work uniforms walked about.

A few looked at them, some curious, others indifferent, and then went back to their work. It'd been almost four years since their little-known group of Autobots had been held up at NEST, working on the mighty structure before them, so most, if not all, the workers were accustomed to their Cybertronian companions. It made walking through the wide, cement launch site toward the descending ramp to the actual base much easier. Even better was the surprise that awaited them at the bottom, and Catherine was all too happy to have her Seeker set her on the ground.

"Epps!" she called out, embracing the man in a warm hug, professionalism be damned.

Laughing, he embraced her back, "Hey, kid. Good to see ya again. Been keeping that daddy of yours in line, right?"

"Damn right I am. Training Annabelle in the arts, too, and your kids are next," she snickered.

"Too late, girl. The only freedom I get is on the job," he groaned, though grinned as he did so. With a chuckle he turned, gesturing for them to follow. "C'mon, I know you didn't just come here just to talk. I'll show you the Auto-assholes, as we call 'em."

Springer snorted, "That sums them up about right."

"Oh-ho. I see you know about them pretty good."

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