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Strong language. oH and when there's an italic on the first letter or a word then that's the start of a new part ok? ok thanks for reading ily

"You're such a fuck up Dan!"

"No wonder everyone fucked off and left you!"

"You don't even deserve a roof over your head. You should be out in the streets with the homeless. They deserve more than you do."

Dan screams.

He tugs at his hair, hoping that somehow it'll keep the voices out.

Now, Dan was known throughout the building for his 'episodes' as they a call them. Honestly, they don't pay attention nor do they care, they just live for the rumours. The only one who really gives a damn is Phil. Although Dan doesn't know that yet.

Phil jumps when he hears a scream. Only he doesn't go back to what he was occupied with a few moments prior like everyone else around them, he throws down his book and slips on his pikachu slippers.

He walks out from his own flat and two steps across to Dans, knocking on the door without even thinking what the hell he was going to say.

He hears whimpers, and for some reason that makes Phils heart drop a little. There's no answer.

So, naturally, Phil knocks again.

"Um, hi Dan. I'm Phil Lester, your neighbour in flat 06? I heard you scream, and wanted to check if you're okay. So if you could let me in that'd be great."

There's no indication that Dan is moving.

"Why? I don't need anyone to check if I'm okay. It should be obvious that I'm not fucking okay!"

Phils taken aback. "Okay, okay, I realise that was stupid of me and I'm sorry. Just please let me in or I will use my pikachu slipper to blast through this door."

A few moments go by before Phil hears a click. Well, that was easy enough, he thinks. He opens the door and is met with bright white walls, covered with paintings that would make no sense to anyone but the one who painted it.

That's why Phil loved art, and he assumes that's why Dan must like it too.

Dan, however, is huddled on his red sofa, dressed in black. Black hoodie, black jeans, and black socks. Interesting compared to Phil in his pastel pink shirt, white pyjama joggies and pikachu slippers.

You'd think it was Phils house rather than Dans.

"Did you just come in here to stare at me or what?"

"W-what? Oh, no! Noooo! Of course not, I was just admiring your place. It's pretty."

"Its not all as it seems. It conceals my darkest thoughts. They're closer than you think, you know."

"Uh huh..." Phil nods, unsure what to think or say. "Well, um, I know you're in some distress right now and I want to help you feel better since that's the kind of person I am and I like to help those who are sad because otherwise I'd be sad and-"

"Phil, shut up please."

Phil stops rambling and stands there, his mouth wide open. At least he said please.

His pikachu slippers slowly walk backwards, right now hoping that his naturally pale skin would blend in to Dans white walls and make him disappear. Normally situations like this don't bother him but he's obviously treading on thin ice right now.

"If you aren't going to say anything then could you get out? I don't need anyone else being nosy and more shit spreading around about me."

"Ah, but you sa-" Dan cuts Phil off with a glare, his cold, brown eyes staring right into Phils icy blue.

"Fuck off if you're going to be a smart arse. I'm not in the mood."

Holding his hands up in defence, Phil walks over and sits on the couch across from Dan.

"Tell me your problems and thoughts, I'll listen to everything."

this sucks already fml I understand if you stop reading.

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