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"look on the bright side ki , he's giving you 1,000 dollars a month , you should be happy with that"
Sam said.

He's only engaged , so he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. It's not about the damn money , this is about the man that I love fucking my ex-girlfriend.

"Sam, how would you feel if Rosa did all of this to you?"

"don't do that kian , don't try to compare your husband to my fiancee."

"that's not what I'm trying to do , would you be ok with her cheating on you and then kicking you out ?"

"kian , stop it! Rosa isn't Jc and there's no BUTS OR WHAT IFS BECAUSE SHE LOVES ME , jc hasn't loved you for months , but yet you tried to hold on to something that we all knew was broken from the start , did u really think he was being faithful to you for almost four years? Andrea is just the only girl he came clean about." With that being said, Sam walked out of Lia's house

leaving me and the rest of our friends speechless.

"so , he knew that jc was cheating and he didn't say shit?" trevor said.

This is too fucking much for me.

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