A very good looking sloth, though...

I laugh and clamber out of bed. "That's fine, I'll use the bathroom first." I say and turn back to look at him. He lays there, almost fast asleep again, looking as cute and as handsome as ever.

You just analysed him, you freak.

You know what? I don't care.

I'll never have a shot with him anyway.


"You didn't think that I would actually help you clean, did you?"

I turn to face Zeke and raise an eyebrow. "You can go if you want." I state and cross my arms.

He sighs. "Fine, I'll help you..."

I hand him a mop and leave to fetch the water. When I come back, Zeke is playing music out of the speakers on his phone at full blast. I try not to let him see me and duck behind the caretakers trolley.

I watch as he starts to sway his hips in time with the music and murmur the words. He then starts to mop the floor, even though he has no water, and brushes the tiles in time with the rhythm of the song. It comes to the instrumental part and Zeke starts doing vigorous air guitar standing on the chairs.

I come out from my hiding place, grinning from ear to ear that I caught him in the act, but as soon as he senses me he jumps down from the chair and starts vacantly mopping the floor like nothing ever happened.

I laugh to myself and pour the water into the mop bucket. The song is still playing and when the chorus comes on I can't help but sing the words.

"You know this song?" Zeke calls with an impressed look.

I shrug nonchalantly. "Yeah, everyone does."

"Then may I have this dance?" He asks me and outstretches his hand in my direction.

If it was raining right now then it would be like the cute scene from High School Musical where they dance on the roof. I love that scene...

Laughing, we both start dancing to the beat of the song. Zeke grabs my hand and I twirl around, feeling like a Disney princess once more. The final note of the song comes on which is extremely long, and I jump onto the seats. Zeke follows me and we both shout as loud as we can into the depths of the huge ice rink as the singer shows off their lung capacity.

The song finally ends and we burst out laughing and jump off the seats. "Come on... We better start cleaning..." I chuckle.


"You hungry?" Zeke asks.

I narrow my eyes at his innocent face. "I guess... What are you going to do?"

He gets up and walks over to the cafe at the edge of the rink, which is currently closed. I watch as the bad boy unlocks the door with the spare keys I brought and helps himself to half the stock.

"Zeke! You can't just steal it!" I hiss, like there are security cameras watching our every move, recording our every sound.

I imagine having to tell my neighbours that someone "miraculously broke in and stole all your stock... especially the cookies." and internally groan.

Zeke reads my mind and goes to chuck me a cookie. "They won't mind. Come on, live a little, be rebellious every once in a while."

Unfortunately my bad reactions didn't quite catch on and I watch as the cookie flies onto the ice behind me.

I love HER ✔️ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now